Sean Hannity spreads lies and misinformation in this old book

Ramon Ramos

Sean Hannity is a key component of the corporate right wing media complex. The man does the talking of conservatives and is funded to be on the Fox news channel through various sources all pointing to billionaires. He has written some books over the years and I read a pat of his 2002 book. " let freedom ring and it is the same conservative trash about school choices and how we are over taxed. This moron Hannity praises the bush tax cuts of 2001 after years of great economic recovery during the Bill Clinton years. Guys like this are basically stooges for the wealthy class to use and confuse the middle class to endorsing their programs that are detrimental to their economic interests. Hannity also promotes interests that funnel money into the military instead of social security or Medicare. The freedom that Sean wants is one where there is no government standing in the way of environmental progress where the industrialists an do with what they want to the land in return for profits in their pockets. Taxes are not to be paid by corporations So they an spend more on advertising and hiring few people instead paying top management astronomical figures. This is what is funding men like Sean Hannity to be on television and write these stupid freedom books. Hannity wants Republican opponents to be minimized and this wants to SE charter schools and teacher unions weakened.
Energy freedom for Hannity is big oil being allowed to make bigger money with cheap drilling in North America caring little of the consequences for people having to live near these pipelines or oil fields. Distracting people and questioning their patriotism because they don't feel the pledge of allegiance should be forced on children is a familiar right wing tactic to split people and steer them away from real economic issues. this dope spends a lot of time in this book talking bout pledge of allegiance disagreements which may have been a important topic to few  back then.  This is another awful right wing book written by a terrible guy in the media that has too much influence and air time on television. This book was written way back early in the W Bush presidency and it is amazing that corporate profits still allow this nimrod to be on the televisions creens and airwaves in their desperate attempts to spread lies and misinformation to the masses.

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