A last look at Bush Saudi connection

Andy Cruz
   George Bush was the Arabian candidate in the 2000 election getting tons of oil money returned to become a viable candidate for the Republican Party for people wanting to see the special relationship between Saudi Wahhabism and the evangelical Texas politicians Craig Unger's excellent book called "house of Bush House of Saud is a recommended read on this subject. George Bush should of just been anger oil tycoon sports owner in America, but he used tremendous campaign donations both foreign and domestic to carry the Bush name into the White House again and the rest is history. Unger looks at our funding of the Afghan Arabs in fighting the red menace in Afghanistan eventually turned against us. The build up of the car dependent transportation grid in America helped pave the way for Saudi growth and influence within some of our own political regions and it peaked with the Islamic vote helping propel one of the worst presidents in our nations history into office. This is also a great reference to the rise of Osama Bin Ladden and his early attacks on America that this country took lightly. This book looks at how the Saud rulers looked to America for protection against the growing socialist regimes in the Middle East and a place to invest their petrodollars that would eventually be used to buy many politicians off and make this a nation more dependent on oil imports from their desert kingdom. This book brings up many events JG forgotten to people of Bin Laddens early attacks in America with operatives set up in this nation. Many people will be reminded about his assignation of Jewish extremist Meir Khahane in New York and other crimes that would lead up to the 9/11 attacks. Anyone wondering why we let in such a high number of Islamic radicals from Arabia can only lame out bought politicians from money of the oil we buy from these highly toxic and intolerant intolerant lands. The ascendancy of George Bush capped off three decades of the connection between Saudi oil money and military hardware sellers in America to have direct control and decision making of the United States in foreign affairs of the Mideast. Craig Unger has written another great work looking at this power grab of our democracy by those loyal to religious extremism and money. He goes through numerous names that affected our elections and policies to protect the regime of this one royal kingdom and its survival in a hostile land that wants to crush its rule. Craig does a well pointing out the growth of Houston at this time period that saw just about everywhere else in urban America contract and how this cities growth would pave way for increased revenue in Saudi Arabia and growth of  skyscraper urban setting in the kingdom made up from solve wage workers from India and elsewhere. The political shift of this new dependency between us and the house of Saud would play out first on the international scene with the Iran-Iraq war as both nations used the lives of millions of Iraqis to squash a socialist religious rebellion to corrupt money rule from a minority of elites. Whether it was communists in Afghanistan or Islamic in Iran the Reagan administration and the house of Saud would go through all attempts to keep their oil and military machinery duopoly going no matter how much misery it was causing. It was only after Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Ladden became threats to these houses of greed did these two empires turn on Iraq and the American produced Islamic fighters. The brutal beginning of the empire of Al-Saud in Arabia share many similarities with Americas founding and the bloodshed to steal land from the native inhabitants so it should not really be surprising these two nations would  develop a close relationship that has had terrible repercussions for peoples throughout the world to this day

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