Another Michelle for Republicans to worry about

Lionel Wagner
   Michelle Nunn is shocking the Republican establishment that has longed thought the senate will be won next week. A Democratic victory in the Deep South and major red state of Georgia would shock the nation and political pundits as she has taken. Commanding led in our Left Shark polls over lame Republican candidate David Perdu.
  A victory for a Democrat in this ling hotbed of bigotry and divisive politics that right wing Republicans are able to continue in the South for a ling time is a welcome site to those who want to see partisan politics end in America. This is one among many close races the public is eying this coming Tuesday and if she wins as expected the Republicans have no shot at the senate and their plans to on again in derailing healthcare for everyone will be thwarted. For once the Democrat party pumping money into this race and much from the outside as yours truly has given fifty bucks to stick it to these Republicans assholes in Georgia and make them rock on their golf carts this weekend. Michelle Nunn would be such a welcome change for the senate in this region and will say alot on the potential we have in producing political change in certain areas.

Dinesh D'Souza and his thinking typical of new America

Alex Mouslolpolous
   There are many supporters of globalization and in his book America, Imagine A World Without Her Dinesh D'Souza puts a shoe is his mouth. Doused makes a comparison how if you paid a shoe manufacturer n America twenty bucks and hour you wouldn't get shoes that cost twenty bucks at Wal Mart and would cost eighty five bucks instead. Now I don't know if the fuck head apologist for empire. the new global Neo-Liberal America shops at stores in malls or outside the Wal Mart worlds for shoes but most places if you wanted shoes it will cost you u to eighty bucks for Nike or other to brands. Few Americans even among the most poverty stricken actually buys and would  be seen in public with the shitty shoes you find at a Wal Mart and the new whole book by Dinesh D Souza is filled with bullshit such as this. Dino actually had a movie of this book and few people went to see it and again he uses this book to push his Neo -liberal views and to bash unions for wanting higher wages to keep up with higher costs of food and rent. Perhaps you can get real cheap quality shoes and clothes through Wal Marts and the way they contract their clothing from over sea contractors and this is what the likes of Dinesh DSouza and others want to see of America.
 One that employs peons in other com tries lifting their pathetic existences a notch while lowering Americans to their levels destroying good jobs for cheap exports made from penny wages. Dinesh despises progressivism and says that the East is culturally more conservative and their rise is a great thing because they remind him more of the spirits of 76 and not 1968 but dummy fails to see it was progressivism that enabled the rise of Chinese and Indians with more opportunities available to people who look like them. Meanwhile globalization is killing American workers and the only reason a guy like DSouza would defend this practice is he is paid by big business think tanks that promote his propaganda. DSouza says nothing of the endless wars and oil rackets to protect global  shipping lanes for these practices to continue. The Wal Mart stores would not exist nor be visited if American workers had the good jobs that supported local business and the quality of better shoes than those that come unglued after two weeks. Most people would rather shop at Saks than the Wal Marts. DSouza also defends the practice of supporting the lesser of two evils in foreign lands over the years, such as the Shah of Iran, because it served American interests.
Perhaps Dinesh should ponder more why should we have any interests in places across the globe and support any evil and this is something jerks like him will never wonder and fail to see the tyranny of America in modern days is seen by others as we saw Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire. Dinesen continues his attacks on Obama in this book and basically feels the rich deserve their rights on top a d what is grossly unfair in the mind this moron is that poor people do t pay any taxes. What does this guy not understand about people being poor and not having money. How this guy feels it is the same as a millionaire having two hundred  instead of one thousand taken away for taxes is somehow the same as a person making seven grand a year not having the indignity of having fifty dollars taken away from his meager income pretty much  sums up what a loser and mindless idiot Dinesh DSouza is as a human being. Men like D'Souza pretty much sums up America and what this nation has become. good  job Dino

Bump n Jump a classic

Otto Jansen
    Bump N Jump was a rare eighties game that had an interesting gameplay with an interesting objective and was be of the better car racing games. You played the game from a birds eye view and basically was a simple car race where your buggy could jump over or on the competitors. This is really a classic that has never deserved the praise of other games in the generation. As I roundly recall it was very difficult to find an arcade which had his game.Back in the day every suburb had an arcade and they were about as ubiquitous as cigarette stores in crummy aging suburban old people and Latino neighborhoods.
 I remembering having to drive way out West to drop a handful a quarters for an evening of arcade entertainment. Bump N Jump was a very addicting game and much better than the car classic rally X game where you raced and had the smoke button to prevent cars from crashing into you. There was no crashing into cars in this game as you would just bump into a car but could easily be bumped into a guard rail or into a rock and something. This game had great music and was made into console games for all of the top producers and game systems although they were a much inferior product than to the colorful arcade version that topped all the imitators. Nothing could of toped action in a eighties arcade and fast lightening entertaining speed like this game.

Mitt Romney a serious contender again according to Byron York

Carl Olsen
   Byron the dork York wrote in a piece recently that your Republican front runner and likely candidate to run again in 2016 will be none other than Mitt Romney. York is a inside columnist that knows alot and without a doubt he has heard that the sickening wealthy Mitt Romney is thinking about running again. The man has maintained a campaign team and kept in touch and desperately wants the office of the presidency for his selfish desires.
This is a man who does not like rejection and has the money to be a continuing pest in the political scene and Bryon York has heard he is thinking about running yet again. This is not too unusual for rich Republican bastards as Reagan,Bob Dole, and John McCain have run for president time and time again. I say let John McCain run against him for the Republican nomination and we will see who will lose another election for the White House. Mitt Romney is a cancer to the American political scene and nothing represents what is wrong with politics and it being owned by big money than having this son of a Mormon bitch run and be a serious contender in 2016. What wold this say about this country that the man who spent a hundred million dollars of his own money in  the 2000 campaign is again running for the Republican nomination. Was it 2000 that Mitt ran for president or 2004.
 It is hard to keep track and you don't have to be Bryon York or Troy York to know this is just rotten in Denmark that an asshole like Mitt Romney can ever be president of the United States. In a way Democrats should look forward to a Romney running and winning the nomination because it will be a shoe in for them in the general election has most people do not want Richie rich for president. If we did the prick would already be president back in 2000 ...or was it 1996.

Ian Morris knows West is falling

Gus Perkowski
   Ian Morris is a great writer and written many books on history and war. His well known book called "Why The West Rules-For Now" is chock full of maps and facts to the patterns of Easy vs West in world history. Morris goes way back to original human migration patterns out of Africa and the eventual geographic differences between man and is development from one another. Morris goes through several stages of humanity and ponders why certain sales of development were stronger in different eras for different peoples. MIan Morris Bio PhotoMorris seems  obsessed in this writing with why it was the West that colonized and not the other way around and his book is full of historical facts and encounters with different civilizations and there are many what ifs in his account of history. Ian basically writes a world history book with a slant comparing Europe with China through many historical stages of empires. He proposes to why the West has been dominate for centuries and why this can come to amend quickly in the upcoming decades as human patterns suggest a geographical switching that has been seen often n history. No one region dominates forever and empires switch and are often replaced by new rulers and leaders. Eventually though it is basically a battle for resources and whoever has access to the Earths last remaining fossil fuels will maintain the longest industrial power and eventually that too will be gone.  The world will look more like the events and armies of the past that Morris world returns to traditional ways or we just perish in a eco disaster that will erase all tis obsessive data and crap that Ism Morris mentions in this book. Cockroaches and cicadas will inherit the earth and this is a time I look forward too for the planet.

Dukes of Hazzard cartoon was not great

Arnold Buckley
  There are incredibly stupid cartoons on prime time television now that are so loved by the childish twenty something's of this generation. Today I want to remember a real bad attempt to translate a popular television program into a cartoon.  One of the worse attempts was the creation of  The Dukes of Hazzard cartoon series. I have seen this a few times and it is really shameful to watch especially if you were a fan of the television program. I thought it would be cool to see the General Lee jump even higher or to see Daisy and her cousins in animation but after watching a few episodes I can see why the cartoon never caught on with the youth. Kids learned right away the voices were the same but the material was so dumbed down as compared to the television program which many of the same audience of kids in the eighties watched. How the networks or fools that produced this  thought that a Saturday animation imitation of this awesome television program would succeed is beyond wonderment. Whoever drew this cartoon obviously must of not turned the program or studied Roscoe and Cleatus as they look nothing like the television versions and the artist even could not draw a basset hound appropriately. They did a Christmas version of the Charles Dickens classic Scrooge and it was just plain awful. They should just never make cartoons from old great movies or television programs no matter how desperate for cartoons although these days they are more geared for adults in prime time than kids on the weekends.

Mark Levin and his anti-Obama stupidity with Sean Hannity

Jordon Morgan 
   There  are many right wing quacks out in the media but perhaps none is bigger than Mark Levin. He was on another quacks program and they were nice again discussing Barack Obama on the Sean Hannity program. They only have two years to continue the gear mongering and hatred against president Obama and once again Mark Levin said an incredibly stupid comment predicting Obama will go full Mussolini. The irresponsibility of this man saying ridiculous comments about the president is the current state of the mainstream media. In Mark Levin's twisted mind the rule of the democratically elected Obama has been o different than under a pre-World War fascist dictator in some really poor Southern European country.
Perhaps if  Mark Levin had the fortune to live under Benito Mussolini's rule in Italy would he have a much better understanding of the differences living under the destructive rule of far-right wing extreme rule than one under a Barack Obama. This fat pig face Mark Levin mentions these fascists from over half a century ago and likely wishes America had a ruler like Mussolini and Franco to deny the liberty and voting of those he disagrees with on how to run a country. Mark Levin is a disgusting man and is only able to spew his hate because of corporate fundi g that he defends wanting to propagate the inequality a Levin enjoys to see in this country.

Chris Christie shows what a Jersey Jagoff he is on minimum wage

Troy York
   Chris Christie has gone of FOX television and doubled down on his comments last week about being tired of hearing about the minimum age. When this country finally realizes that these fat meatheads like Christie who run for Governor they are running to grab office for the interests if the business class and to keep as much of their profits in the pockets of owners and to the workers who keep the company afloat. Guys like Christie are what is wrong with this country and since he has said this he approval ratings has dramatically  dropped in New Jersey. This is a guy who has used his power and tax payer money to go to over eighty Bruce Springsteen concerts. T
his is a guy who eats thirty Krispy Kreme donuts a day and expects to be president of the United States some day. It is politicians  like Chris Christie, who are not paid anywhere near minimum wage, who are the reason with their pro-business agendas to why the minimum wage is so God dam low. the fat fuck Christie repeated he doesn't want to hear about the minimum wage and the real battle is to bring more high paying jobs. Whether he means this for his Republican backers and political allies as to opportunities to all the citizens of New Jersey and America is unclear but given this Jersey jagoff's history it is safe to assume what he means. Christie is an ultra right wing Republican business politician who hides his extremism with a bit more toleration of social issues. The people of Jersey are tiring of this jagoff and his utter contempt for working people as much as Christie is tired of being asked questions of the minimum wages business enforces on people.

Jimmy John owner John Liautaud refuses to pay up for his jets man

Tony Miselli 
   The state of Illinois has been trying to collect about one and a half million dollars from the tax evader prick face owner of Jimmy Johns  whose name is Jimmy John Liautaud for a couple of his corporate jets. The reason these fast food workers are paid so little is because the founders of these private companies use a vast majority of the profits and proceeds of these companies not to directly benefit the workers worse la or enables this business to stay in business. These  profits are used as tax dodging finance for the owner and the ability to live a luxury lifestyle for themselves and their families. This little dweeb Jimmy Johnny tried to apply the purchase of his two jets as commercial instead of personal and the state decided to bill his ass when they realized these jets were not to be used to transport sandwiches made in Boston to Northhamton. As  states see through this bullshit and want to tax these rich successful business owners the business owners bitch and moan and threaten to move their companies headquarters to avoid taxes. Jimmy Johns makes such massive profits and this guy doesn't want to spend an extra million that s owned by occupying Ina state that helped that dickhed start off his business and franchise. This is just another case of a rich asshole that doesn't want to have to pay the state more because it interferes with his ability to make more luxury purchases from his business to impress other rich bastard business owners who hold our economy hostage. Wealthy people far anything that is vicissitudes from government and helps the common man instead of the man who his  abilities to make purchases for private jets and then not pay the taxes due to them and hire lawyers to delay this process. We should all be this lucky. Let Jimmy  John LitTarded move  his company to the backwaters and swamps of Florida and see how great infrastructure is for his Jimmy John sandwich shop corporate big wigs

Phillip Rivers and the Chargers are essential pretenders

Dave Berkson
   Every year the San Diego Chargers start off quickly with a solid record and then they play the De ver Broncos. This past Thursday saw another mid season beating of a Phillip Rivers team at the hands of a Peyton Manning Broncos team that can just score at will Philip Rivers is wondering how and when can one of his teams appear at the big show in February and it seems as long as these other great older quarterbacks refuse to retire dudes like Rivers and others will never see opportunities for Super Bowl appearances. He can put up all the huge numbers for a number of years but without a Super Bowl ring he knows his name will never be mentioned in a listing as the NFLs best.
The Chargers are often pretenders failing in the playoffs and starting off fast only to drop late in the season and often missing the playoffs despite fast starts. I still pick this team often for the Super Bowl mainly out of hope that there will be some fresh teams to make the big game. You also need great quarterbacks these days to make the Super Bowl and at the end of the year yo can be guaranteed that Phillip will be among the top performers at the quarterback position. Whether it is coaching or something lacking with their overall game against other powers n the league. This is just a franchise that has problems getting over the hump and performing at an exiguous level well below the potential of the talent that exists. Phillip Rivers is getting aggravated and if they don't get anywhere near the Super Bowl this year he needs to start looking elsewhere and packing his bags for another NFL destination that doesn't have to worry about playing Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos

Bald Jim Rickards and old Craig Paul Roberts appear again on USA Watchdog

  Jim Rickards and the lip smacking Craig Paul Roberts appeared last week on Greg Hunter's little viewed YouTube site again talking no sense about te dollar and the economic collapse of America. These guys just need any outlets to promote their little read books that say the same mundane thing over and over again about America's debt and spending weakening our currency and that foreign countries will sooner or later get away from the dollar. The old Craig Paul Roberts is desperate for dollars and needs book sales so he can keep going to JC Penny for his lame vests. Guys like Jim Rickards and Craig Roberts have been preach g a crash for years as they fail to realize as long as the spending mainly goes to prop up foreign regimes that sell an important commodity the world needs (oil) the dollar is safe. They do this  while at the same time killing off the rural religious extremists away from Saudi lands. Medieval terrorists standing against the American military complex empire have no fucking chance and can only be the lords over the barren obsolete deserts. ISIS can only be masters over the scorpions,snakes, and sand rats that predominate the few lands in remote deserts that ISIS can hold for a few months.
   The geriatric Craig Paul Roberts talked up the power of Russia and that they are a real threat in the modern age. Roberts keeps bitching about how we broke all the agreements with Russia and keep pushing these guys on issues concerning places on their border. Russia is a country that can only make money from high oil and gas prices and when these prices collapse you see how powerful a Russian military can be from hostile neighbors that are asserting their independence and hatred for Russia more and more. These two guys talk nonsense and fit well as regular guests on the idiotic mess that Greg Hunter puts out there for the gold pushers and sellers of the world market. Hunter really tries to be a real voice against America when in fact his guests all say the same bullshit ver and over again trying to push bad books and silver. 

Rush Limbaugh fails to see sports as a cause for the Megan Mahoney sexual predator teachers

Guy Baldwin
   Megan Mahoney is a Long Island teacher and she got arrested for her numerous sexual encounters with. Male student and this time Rush Limbaugh got involved with this story reading it to all his listeners. This is one of the first times I heard the Rushdo comment on what is a teaching predator epidemic that has hit the nations high schools as twenty something year old female teachers and their motivations for this profession need to be examined
Rush somehow decided to say that the NFL is less dangerous to your kids than them going to school with this phenomena of sexual female predator teachers. Rush went of to say where were these teachers when he went to school and why is this occurs more now. As a staunch conservative he went on to say the loosening sexual mores of young females and that many are educators of teenagers s directly what is Ben d the huge increase of female teacher sex crimes and embarrassment for school districts all around the country. Maybe if Limbaugh saw ow silly ass old white guys push sports and a jock-like attitude on their sisters and daughters and making sports such a major function of youth and this society he might well as see why these young teachers and women have disgraced themselves with these actions. In ninety in e percent of these teacher sex scandals that I have studied it is apparent that sports is somehow related and.  This case with the whore Megan Maloney sports was directly involved. Most of these teachers were athletes at College as this slut Megan was a three star player at Fordham University and the vast majority of the male students that get a free oral clean g from these female teachers are popular jocks. What the moron Rush Limbaugh doesn't see nor understand is that the sports that he loves and influence in education  is what is creating the rise of these female teacher sex crimes as they temporary forget they are not students anymore? This has nothing to do with the NFL and for them to get a ridiculous comparison as the fat nerd Limbaugh ranted on his program about this teacher sex crime. Limbaugh is just bitter because  he didn't get laid until he made too much money for speaking for big corporate business and spitting his saliva on a poor microphone all day

Houston mayor Annise Parker goes after religious bigot preachers

Terry Blue
  The mayor of Houston has always fought for LGBT rights and her courage went a step further when she demanded that churches hand over transcripts of their sermons. Annise Parker is the first openly lesbian mayor of a major city and the city of Houston has really been transformed into a more tolerant metroplex than a backwater country boondocks of bigots. This incredible transformation has occurred in the past few decades and the last openly platform of bigotry in this country with any real   Is the pulpits of churches and mosques that dot our nation and at times helps promote hate and intolerance towards the group this woman is a member. This has been a LNG time coming and it took the courage and the fact that a lesbian is finally in office for a politician to subpoena these sermons when church's are tax exempt establishments and the public has a right to low what goes on in these places and if indeed hate is being promoted inside these places. The religious nuts are up in arms crying about losing their rights of self-expression and pushing their hate agenda that has long been part of their cherished traditions but they really have n case nor liberty to have an agenda of hate. Cities have a right to enforce local ordinances for human rights protections for all its citizens and if there is a tax-based organization that is attempting to limit the equality and basic rights as a human being it needs to be established and exposed for all to see. Religious authorities have often tried to hide behind their books and religious liberties to spread intolerance and hate for those whom they decide are not equal or deserving of basic human protections that government has a role of establishing for all its citizens. Pastors have long held their positions to I fluency their parishioners to get n loved in the local government and decisions they have on society and this fact alone is reason enough to demand  to read and address what they say in their churches.

David Pakman rants about Stece Harvey's bigotry

Troy York

  Steve Harvey is some lame unfunny comedian that has a television show and gives his opinions on matters like relationships. This man thinks of himself as some expert on a wide range of issues and he usually exposes what a moron he is and its good to see David Pakman bring this out to his listeners. Steve Harvey said that if women run into a man that is atheist they should run from that relationship and clearly this method is what was used in the past and could explain why we still have the scourge of religion still around this day in age. Steve Harvey is a very lugubrious man and undoubtedly religion has a role in making him judge others because of their beliefs that differ from this son of a bitch no it all. Conformity and fear is why religion exists in the year 2014 and in Steve Harvey's case stupidity is another reason as people are stupid enough to listen to idiots like him calling non-believers idiots. The man offers no proof for the existence of God and why women should judge men as characters for their questioning of anything that is not apparent.
    Steve Harvey is an awful television host and God awful expert on relationships and how any woman would take this mans advice is anyone's guess. Steve Harvey complains that atheists have no proof that God exists and that there has to be a creator with all these gases and rock formations. Harvey is a dude that you know has read little topics on Physics and chemistry.
The only thing he knows is repeating  the shit he was forced to listen to as a kid growing up in a crazy ass black Baptist church instead of a science college classroom. I was really surprised to hear what a misogynist and religious bigot Steve Harvey is as a human being and his role on television and giving bad advice should be questioned by the networks as word spreads of what an idiot Steve Harvey is and that he is using his lame program for a religious seminar. The only program that a guy like Steve Harvey should be on is a Sunday morning Christian programming where he can quack to the other dumb ducks of his flock. There is the place for bad relationship advice that a dude loser like Steve Harvey should speak.  Good to see David Pakman and others out on the internet expose what a loud, bald jerk Steve Harvey is as there are many people who never really pay attention to what ass face like him say when surfing the cable channels