Sam Sedar makes excuses for Muslims

Ed West
   You could hear it in his voice. Sam Sedar and his producer who usually cackles were talking about the terrorist tack in Paris. Sedar kept saying allegedly Islamic terrorists although in the wharped anti-establishment anti-White, anti-Weatern civilization  liberal mind he knew dam well that it was Muslims again. France is in the manhunt for three barbarous Muslims who committed a terrible atrocity and sure to help and mold the  coming facist future of Europe in the fight against the Islamization of Europe. The idiot Sedar is still in total denial that the attack against Charlie  Hebro editorial offices was committed by something other than Islamic terrorists. Sedar  and his geeky giggling producer fear that the far right of France will now gain power in upcoming elections. The liberals like Sedar fear the loss of our civil liberties but what it is the actual fear of Europe clamping down on Islamic radicals terrorists. They don't want Europe and America to be strong and have ability to prevent isolated disenfranchised minorities terrorizing communities destroying and burning their bitterness in an orgy of arson and terrorism. There is no doubt that real leftist liberals are hoping this blows away in the news fast and no damage is done to their pet Islam subjects as their fear of Islamaphobia spreading trumps their concerns of damage done to the nation. SM Sedar and ,any others will insist this attack on our free speech and civil liberties has nothing to do with religion when in fact it completely does as these Muslim migrants have no concept of satire or freedom of thought. Their thoughts continue e to be in an eighth century barbaric practice and cult that was used to conquer their neighbors and put a tax toll on them that recruited or enforced them to their bizarre clamor Muhammed. All of these bastards are named Muhammed for a reason as any pre-Islamic cultures were swept away with bloody swords and decapitated heads that has long been a custom of these people who liberal fucks as Sam Sedar continue to make excuses for their destructive actions.

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