Cost-cutting son of a bitch Gary Tharaldson is hoping to cut water quality next

Troy York
  Gary Tharadson is North Dakota's richest man as the sixty nine year old hotel magnate sold his 130 cheap motels to Goldman Sachs essentially bailing out and rewarding the shrewdness and thriftiness of this man and his bad motels. Six months later Tharadlson again sold some shitty Las Vegas casino, perhaps the cities worse, and again the old smug jackass made a killing and was rewarded in this casino capitalist Ponzi scheme real estate scamming that most wealthy people use to accumulate phony wealth. Gary Tharaldson is no entrepreneur my friends just a guy who was rewarded and his merciless focus on cutting costs including likely adding the cheapest labor one can import illegally from Mexico when constructing his new motels back in the early nineties. This wasn't mentioned in a recent Forbes magazine feature of this mega millionaires and guys like Gary Tharaldson is exactly what is wrong with America.Image result for gary tharaldson  Tharaldson started his own construction firm and the cost cutting cheap material and wood-frame construction helped forestall the current ugliness of big box cheap material architecture suburbia is famous for and why people with money are fleeing these ugly areas and they are destined to be the new ghettos.  this old jackass was so cheap in his motels he constructed the laundry rooms so night clerks can fold the towels instead of the cleaning crews. Gary  also was the first motel franchise who moved from poured concrete construction into bad wood frame projects and the guy is also one of these time-share resort owner which have really screwed over peoples time and money with their fraudulent offerings to a ignorant audience not realizing the economic mistakes tie shares are always for the purchaser of one of these programs. A guy like Gary Tharaldson is  of the one percent that a Forbes magazine celebrates ignoring their shady actions and how cost cutting measures and race to the bottom is rewarded in this upside down economy.Image result for gary tharaldson
 It is old gravel-faces assholes like Gary Tharadlson who work against the working people of America for their own best interests and rising estates and holdings of these moguls  is indicative at how these old rich men use the system to screw over others. this jackass has gotten into the ethanol business hoping to make the same bogus millions in these industries and this moron even wants to get into water and empty out the last remaining natural aquifers in rural Arizona so he can make a few bucks before the underwater all dries up. This guy hopes to privatize the states canals an get ownership from of the states water agency so he can divert water to the wealthy and charge the middle class outrageous amount of money to take a two-minute shower. Image result for cheap motel north dakotaThis son of a bitch has been an industry standard helping produce the cheapest and crappiest of architecture with his cookie-cutter hotels making one feel like they are in the Truman Show and not recognizing any regional differences anymore.  Tharaldson is the West's premier profiteer and perhaps the most dangerous man for the average citizens who should reconsider any venture this creep stone-faced fucker tries to get his ass into and make a profit from a precious resources man needs for survival.


  1. It is people like my good friend Gary Tharaldson that make America great. The author of this article is an obvious envious socialist failure.

  2. Who are you Gary is a fine man who has created wealth for many through his ventures. I'll ne of the most down to earth people I have ever had the privilege to know.

  3. Gary Tharaldson has created thousands of good paying jobs that allow people to provide for their own families. There is no telling how many people have gone to college, bought a house or raised their kids because of his entrepreneurial ventures. Not only that he is one of the most down to earth people you will ever meet. He even created an employee stock option that rewarded 100's of long term employees. People like Gary Tharaldson should be honored for the contributions they bring to society.
