Stephan Colbert rips Alex Jones a new asshole

Leonardo McGregor
   Late night entertainer kiss ass of the stars Stephan Colbert ripped Alex Jones a new asshole for putting out so much lies and fake stuff out through his program that he feels President trump has taken a taste and an ear. Colbert claimed that Alex Jones is a nut who mixes bizarre drugs like steroids with Peyote and this explains the hyped up energy and mass confusion of which Alex Jones program has been known for and gained a following. Colbert may be a bit worried of the growing popularity of Alex Jones as it doesn't mesh with the mishy mainstream Hollywood nobility infomtainment of which Stephan Colbert and his talk show host are all about.
Colbert though is looking for targets and he is still so sad very mad about his preferred Clinton nobility class not getting elected and blames full responsibility to dead egg-head Americans who are more and more optioning to listen to internet and conspiracy shows than the propaganda crap of mainstream media such as Colbert and Letterman. Alex Jones bothers leftist liberals with his daring expression of the news and Colbert and others will not even look at their own versions where reality could easily be questioned as they set aside entertainment programs to be vehicles for social and political agendas. Stephan Colbert is not even half as entertaining as Alex Jones with a stupid gimmick of mockery hailed by the liberal media just because if his right-wing nutty caricature that could make left-wing slanted webzines the next day. If anyone has been taking an odd mixture of drugs it clearly would of been a dude like Stephan Colbert. Colbert is a top member of the fourth estate worried about their power under a new Trump administrations and the entertainment classes have been waging class war far and mocking those underneath them for years and sooner or later their voices will shrink and be kaput.Image result for stephan colbert alex jones

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