Professor Michael Munger goes social Democrat an predicts a Sanford and Son type economy abd riot sin the streets

Jerry Palmer
Professor Michael Munger is a big fan of the Uber economy and thinks people will be sharing power drills and wives in the near future and evolution of the market. Munger appeared on Frank Stasio's State of things award-losing North Carolinian  radio program to talk and praise the sharing economy that he says is coming and makes a paradox to the hitchhiking culture of the seventies where people got in random cars with complete strangers. Michael Munger says that workers are being replaced and that people without jobs will be burning stores and cities and professor Munger brought up the possibility of massive riots without decent living.
Munger also said AIRBND is a tragedy buying up entire city blocks of housing and turning rental and motel opportunities on short term leases for the super rich moving form city to city. Munger praised capitalism for raising so many people out of poverty and that we have so much more clothing available nowadays to choose form ignoring the plight of people working on thirty cents a day producing this clothing in sweat shops for the mass profit of few individuals and companies budgets to spend on pro athletes and advertising.
Stasio was glad to hear that professor Munger came aroiund and saw the advantages of a social democracy and the need of it in this country to counter the augmented and demented robotics industry that prefers to see less people and more machinese for profit and economies worldwide.   Munger though seemed to be focus on getting rid of the millions of useless power drivers and bits in this country and said if people would just raffle and offer their tools up for others to use they can make back their money in rental fees.
The incredible wisdom of the Sanford and Son school of business professor at Duke University is amazing and essentially what Munger is calling for is more thrift stores, goodwill stores, antique stores, and yes Sanford and son type junkyard shit holes to be seen on the American scene instead of big box retail. Munger says we will be all selling our junk collected through the years as robots replace workers and Michael Munger cannot explain or understand the growth of these storage massive buildings as people pay rent to store stuff they can't keep in their home preventing other people form use and charging them a little jingle for it.

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