John Oliver goes off on Laura Ingram and plays the David Duke card again

 Mitch Welch
   Liberals love David Duke and bring up the former grand wizard of the KKK is always a must go talking point and John Oliver, the British propagandist on some Last Night tonight HBO broadcast brought it up again. John Oliver was so upset at what Laura Ingraham had said concerned her country is becoming a brown South American Colombian-Venezuelan style shit hole and for a John Oliver this is just pure racism. Olive lives in a segregated bubble of high rises with only high-income people and thus Ingram whether these shit holes are in Panama or Columbia or in Texas or Nebraska it is little of concern to him because these people will never really be sen by this Jewish British globalist unless they are cleaning off tables in a restaurant this ass fuck happens to be.
John Oliver hates this country and has no business in it as a broadcaster and anything he says should be seen as the political propaganda it most likely is as someone in support of a global trade system that disfigures the strength and power of the United States. John Oliver knows that Laura Ingraham was not mentioning race when talking about the disgusting and sudden dependency and changes seen in this country but for libtards obsessed with race and desires to change the political and racial make up of this country these are flash points that could be used to inflame passions.
No American should want Venezuela,Colombia, or Mexican style culture and politics into our lands except those wishing to see America decline to that status so the nations they support get stronger. Latin American nations and people are failed states from a failure of people and culture and is why they left the brown pastures of their homelands and they only promise to serve the same fate in this land and accomplish. Oliver is not funny and much of his rants are all political liberal progressive that seeks to shut up all those he personally disagrees with such as this incident and opinion of the FOX News TV host Laura Ingraham. Oliver shows and makes stupid points that don;t validate anything and shows cute graphics like with Kermit the frog and so forth and basically we are to beleive that it means anything and should have opinion changed because John Oliver requests so. The radical nut Oliver would be a Lenin or Stalin if given the chance.

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