Fat Chris Christie has gone to eighty or so Bruce Springstein concerts

He is wither a complete neurotic or a very wealthy member of the one percent that can blow so much money to watch some old rock performer perform the same act over and over again. This fat man wants to be president in a few years. The guy is going to be bust just looking for concerts to go to. Rolling Stone had and article about him a year or so ago about his obsessions with food and the boss. Bruce Springstein ignores this weirdo Governor following him all around the nation going to his concerts all over the East coast. This is a guy who thinks he actually has a shot at breaking some White House chairs in the future  from sitting his fanny on government chairs. Chris Christie is a worthless politician and how the hell this fat meathead got elected in a blue state is incredible. Bruce Springstein stands for everything that this ass stands for as a right wing republican. make no mistake the union busting and poverty causing official is how the Christie administration can be described. Mr Christie is obviously a part of the system will never get more power than leading scummy New Jersey and the only way a man like him got elected in the first place was because of big money. Money saved from corporations paying as little money as possible and using instead to buy fat politicians like this concert hopping Mr Christie. How else can this rolly polly attend so many concerts at two hundred bucks a pop..

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