Turkey and Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the brink

Ali Muhammed

  Turkish protesters have taken to the streets and square in Istanbul to protest the governments encroaching Islamication and police state tactics over daily life. There have been battles in the streets and this can be just the beginning of a general chaos in Turkish culture. Many people in the country cannot stand Recep Tayyip Erdogan and how he is trying to make this great country into a more Taliban style country. It will take Muslims like these brave protesters to help change e the worlds opinion that the worlds Muslims actually prefer a stet where religion dictates how you dress and what you do at every hour. The micromanagement of Islam as everything in a persons life is hated by some peoples more than others in the Middle East. We here at the offices of the Left Shark fully support these massive protests to bring down the government of this scum sucking dictator wanabee. The young Turks on the street needed to rise up because this guy was bringing this great country into a right wing theocracy Islamic fascist state over the wonderful model of a secular country it has been for decades. Muslim radicals throughout the world may not like it but Turkey is a Western oriented state and will never bow down to the full wishes of a new government that wants to be more like Egypt.

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