Austin Stevens a poor imitation of Steve Irwin

  Alex Mousoulopolous
I saw this turkey on television the other day and he resembled Steve Irwin. He was a pale bad version of the late great Crocodile hunter. This Mr Stevens has the blond hair and weird foreign English accent and even tries to act and hustle like the great cable television personality that died a few years ago. I could only watch a few episodes on youtube and it is an insult to Mr Irwin that this guy is on the air trying so hard to act like Steve Irwin. They need to tell this South African to just be himself and not wrestle with snakes and try to make great television on nature. The guy was originally a photographer so how exactly that translates to being qualified to rip snakes out of rock canyons is a bit confusing. What can be real confusing id for the elderly fans turning on this program and may actually think that this is the crocodile hunter. The bad thing is being a fan of the late great Steve Irwin I will undoubtedly have to watch this stinker whenever I come across it.