Russian wrestlers and the shaved head style

Dave Berkson

Before it was hip for American men with thinning hair to shave their head, the only dudes I saw with no hair were either really elderly or Russian wrestlers. The Koloffs were typical of wrestlers in their time period from the great country known as Russia. They would shave their heads in some sort of ritual commitment when they would come to the States to destroy capitalist wrestlers. Nikita Koloff was a steroid induced monster and he often paired up with his Uncle Ivan to take on all Wrestlers good or bad. Ivan was over the hill and pathetic by the time I watched pro wrestling and it was nasty Nikita that carried this tag team to victories all of the time. They wrestled in the name of communism and shaved their heads to prove it. The look eventually caught on to the Black community and accelerated especially after Michael Jordan shaved his head on the forgettable day in late November 1986. Within a decade two of wrestling biggest stars in Goldberg and Steve Austin would go on to resemble these Russian wrestlers from the sixties to the eighties. Pretty ironic isn't it.

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