Helen Smith's "Men on strike" book hits on some good points

Jake Glass

  There are a ton of books written by women that claim men are in perilous times in this new feminist day of age we find ourselves.  Helen Smith is one of these writers and her book was an enjoyable read although nothing really new is explored. Women have been kicking men's ass  in college for years and they will always outnumber men in post secondary education. men have basic psychological problems and emotions that do not consummate an equal ability to sit through classrooms and totally perform in all subject matters. There are just jobs like nursing that require college involvement that men will never gravitate and explore as a career option. I always said that if construction jobs or police/firemen jobs required college then you would see a more reflective balance in higher education. Nobody ever writes as this is a causation of more women in our nations universities.
  Now this book focuses on men avoiding marriage and again we are missing points and this is now brought up much by authors like Helen Smith. Through advertising and mass medias influence of beauty in such things as news anchors men have little tolerance for women that do not measure up to standards. In much the same way women judge men with little post secondary education, successful men want the tall, leggy trophy wife. Black men avoid marriage because most black women are just not worth the trouble. The same thing is happening now to uneducated and average white women in rural areas as they are having a hard time finding life partners Marriage has always been about family ties and economic establishments and as more men come from single mothers they see little reason to become married themselves.  Helen touches on one thing I have noticed among public spaces for a long time in her chapter titles why does dad stay in the basement. Whenever you go out for shopping or other related stuff women and their mothers or kids seem to dominate by far and the number of men you see in public not on their way to work is startling. Perhaps men are too into sports, television, Internet, or video games but something is going on in this culture that you see little of them. maybe the demands of work as Americans are nuts and proud of putting so many hours in work. The fact that divorce laws and pretty much everything is stacked against men is another reason so many are optioning out of marriage. Men's earnings and opportunities are dropping through economic changes initiated by government though what is little discussed is these spending programs that benefit women's work is putting this country trillion in debt that will never be paid back. One can look at it as women's rise in employment opportunities and society is absolutely killing this nation. Helen also looks into the fact that one of the reasons young men claim they don't have to get married is that they can get good steady sex from live in gals that they can toss away like an old towel once they used it too much. Anyway this is average but good book about the plight and difficulties of men in the world today.

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