Bradley Handly
Bruce Dumont is some old fuck that hosts an national beyond the beltway radio show that can be heard locally on Sunday nights on WLS radio. He had a panel of conservatives talking about the upcoming pretend entail elect s in 2016 that are still many years ahead. The thing that amazes me about Republicans and conservatives. That they actually think if they just had a good conservative candidate instead of a RINO that they would have the White House. People do NOT want a conservative president and have voted with this in mind for the last several elections and I don't quite understand what is so hard for these assholes like Bruce Dumont to understand this in their little pea brains. They can throw Scott Walker's name of Christie, Santorum,Rubio,Huntsman, Jindhal,Cruz,Paul, and even that dweeb Jeb Bush but none of these guys will ever get elected for anything except a Governors race in a red state in an off non-presidential year.
Bruce is some Chicago based Rush Limbaugh wanabee e with a very boring political radio show that a few stations pick up because it is cheap and they don't want to pay local air talent. You see most radio stations with this format and thus a result of an overwhelming staff of national right wing corporate radio hosts that suck ass along with the worthless radio stations they reside. Dumont is another old fat White man that thinks a Republican president giving people like him even more of the unequal wealth this country produces is they way to go and obviously he has no financial worries in life . Their only worry in life is a president and politicians who will finally end this system geared to protect the wealth in a few hands and actually redistribute it they way it should if you had a government that represented the interests of everyone and not just this that contribute to a PAC insurance scam fund. Republicans are fast becoming a minority party because they don't want to ever work and compromise on political issues and only moderates like Romney and McCain would ever get serious consideration for election in this country. Conservatives only can rule their bigoted Mega-churches and individual energy hogging McMansions. This guy is in the radio hall of fame?? Really?
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