Kids not interested in baseball or its dumb Topps cards

 Guy Baldwin
    Base cards were in the news the other day. It seems like the days of kids throwing money into pictures of wealthy dudes who get paid for a living playing a game are over. A report says even some upper management said there may be nothing to reverse the trend of kids no longer spending three bucks or more for one stick ovum and some silly pictures of grown men throwing and catching a ball. Some baby boomers remember fondly these stupid days of ring a kid and putting these cards on the spokes of their bike tires but this is a new era. There are no spokes on the wheels of skateboards and today's kids find the idea of playing and trading cards is a  big bore. is game was special back the maybe because it was an American game that made people who come to America want to learn this confusing game. Now most baseball players all clime from Latin America and have the same  look and similar sounding names and this has more to do with the downfall of interest in this sport by folks without gray hair than any other thing most be unwilling to admit. I highly doubt that if the NBA was filed with big black guys with Spanish surnames few White or Black Americans would show the same interest for basketball that we do now. Ditto with the NFL with Polynesian names. Hockey's popularity while having mostly foreign names is because the players are snow Scandinavian White and is a result of this foreign influence in baseball or minority in football. There were too many baseball cards and they got to expensive for kids trough Fred and the collapse of the baseball card industry is just a fore shadowing f the collapse of lousy baseball.

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