Troy York
Sam Sedar had the writer Henry Giroux on his show talking about money in politics and how money is undermining democracy. They were talking about his book zombie politics" and other issues including the weeks Supreme Court decision that over rides the caps that were put i place to limit how much money can be contributed to candidates. This courts decision will open the flood gates to e en more money from the upper echelons to corrupt the system. Sedar and Giroux Clearly know that money thrown into politicians successful elections will be met with expectations for the money given to the politician. Without a doubt this will just further expand the gulf between classes and further class warfare being waged on the rich towards those who can contribute two hundred grand in a political race. Republicans and conservatives will love this evil decision that was put in place from these lifetime Supreme Court nominees from past right wing administrations. Seder and his guest said the real problem is with the constitution that made this catastrophic decision possible. The framers made a fatal mistake allowing these supreme court judges to have lifetime regime was they pass nomination. This along wi political term limits is drastically needed to restore democracy. Sedar and Giroux are not sanguine about these possibilities anytime soon. Sam is a great progressive voice that has been talking about dirty money in politics both domestically and foreign. This money is being put to use to make these politicians work as hard as possible to work for the interests of a small segment. I enjoyed this guest and look forward to any books that this guy has written about how the American average citizen is getting screwed over and losing freedoms and a political voice by those with fraudulent wealth in this society.
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