Jordon Morgan
Jackie Robinson West was a team that the local media forced people to war a out and lead a campaign of support that supposedly united the city around this all-black baseball team. What it was was a all black all-star made up of black kids from all over the city instead of. Geographical neighborhood and this explained their success and winning the little league world Championship. The adults running this so called them knew better and were tired of never seeing kids like theirs celebrated as champions in this sport. I just wonder d the stripping of Jackie Robinson West will be remembered readily in the future when people study black history. "Father" Michael Pfleger was outraged that a guy from Evergreen Park complained to Little League officials and forced a ruling that stripped these South Side cheaters f their championship. Why does Catholic priest/activist/wanabee/race hustler care about this issue.
It is because "Father" Michel Pfleger is perhaps the ultimate reverse racist hater of your own kind wannabe in this country. This vile fuckhead is big time lack supremacist race hustler and the fun thing is this shit who claims to be a priest and man of God is the farthest thing from being a black man. This is a guy who utterly refused to move to another parish after servicing his time in the one all black Catholic Church. Catholic priests are usually required to move parishes often but apparently this price of shit Pfleger is such a revere racist that he refused. The thing I hate most about this wanabee is from looking at pictures at his sterns this jerk doesn't exactly pack the house of worship. His congregation is not that large yet somehow he has such a voice in Chicago tanks to the media that makes this priest more than he is. His voice was shared throughout Facebook and twitter and that is where I happened to catch this scumbags posting about his disgust with the stripping of Jackie Robinson West. "father" Michael Pfleger only cared about this issue like most of black Chicago is because every member of the Jackie Robinson West team was a dark and black as Jackie Robinson himself and the racial chauvinism and racism of support was clearly evident all summer from a population that paid little attention to the ridiculous event as Little League World Series.
Why exactly a youth sport such as baseball even had a world event like this bullshit series and other youth league sports don't is another question that needs to be answered. Somewhere in the future perhaps there will be a little league World Cup where an all black soccer team from Harlem can unite the city and have mayors and presidents flock to their side leveling praise to cheaters. There is no better ending for this storyline of this little rug rat team that the media forced down in the news of all summer and it is a shame that this boundary dispute didn't come out at the time these cheaters were making the trip to whatever that fuck town i. Pennsylvania this silly event is held
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