Troy York
Little dweeby Dr Dan sutter hosts some lame youtube economic program called Econversations and had the worse economic professor in the nation on his program. The video has only a hundred views and I gave it its one vote thumbs down. Michael Munger is a Duke University professor who is a libertarian idiot knowing really little on the economy and appearing in one of the worse red sport coat one would ever wear on television. well this ding dong would never be on television but he is on many libertarian sponsored Youtube programs and he was talking about transaction costs. They were discussing some start up companies in the bay area such as Instacart which would deliver stuff for rich people, this professor talks about the positives of having some shcmo go to a grocery store and get oregano for Michael Munger's stew and just pay thirty cents for a delivery charge instead of this fool having to lug his own stupid ass to the grocery store. this jackass thinks we must have unlimited fuel to drive around and pick up spices for people in preparation for their dinner parties. Munger is a complete moron to think Instacart actually has a chance to be of any value as a company or idea. Munger went on to talk on how the middle men are important in an economic supply economy and calls wall street brokers and traders heroes. The comparisons Munger makes in talking about Middlemen is
often nonsensical and no where does Munger say that the importance of middle men and Uber, Amazon, and others could also be transferred to college professors and put out clowns like him to the unemployment line. This Munger wouldn't be so happy and enthusiastic for these new middle men in the economy. The idiot also thinks Uber can be a rival to Amazon by delivering one products to people willing to pay for one item to be dropped off. Instacart has only made it this far because it is in the bay area and we have allowed for financial speculation and tech companies and angel investing to run amok .Munger has no concept of transportation costs and the difficulties of shipment for an idiotical prediction such as this and other comments on the potential of single item delivery companies. Whenever I get an opportunity to bash this nimrod I will jump at it.
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