Bill O' Reilly blames rock and rap for fall of Religion among youth

Jason Fool
   Bill O'Reilly is worried about some poll that shows a drop of people identifying as religious dropped from 76% to 70 % in a few years. This tremendously had Bill shaking his head cussing most of the day as he prepared for another easy gig being an old dickwad on television. Bill went on a ridiculous rant about rap being the cause of organized religions fall as it gives kids an attitude of them first. If anyone this fool should blame is advertisers who force people to be consuming spending idiots and this is something you will never hear him suggest as it is advertisers who support and keep the cable channels running airing stupid shit like his " O'Reilly Factor airing.
 Bill O'Reilly is an idiot and a fool who just doesn't get it that young people today want entertainment and going to a boring service reading scripture from two thousand years ago makes about as much sense as petting a rattlesnake.  O’Reilly denounced rap, claiming that it “glorifies depraved behavior” which “sinks into the minds of some young people, the group that is most likely to reject religion.” He added that the youth generation today is selfishly driven, thinking “what is good for me is good, period.This old fool Bill O'Reilly doesn't get it that religion is both dumb and not relevant in todays tecno-driven on the go society and he better get use to seeing these poll numbers drop further as his greatest generation dies off and others are born to replace it. They will be more knowledable to the words of the Snoop Dog and the Tpac than they will of john the Baptist and old Moses and pretty much they should be as who is Bill or any fool to say that their religion is more important than the words and advice of rap fans. Only an arrogant self-centered institution which demanded tithes and tributes from people over the years establishing poverty and reliance of their corrupt institutions is even what allowed boring organized religion and reading of worthless scriptures to predominate power for so long and this is what Bill O'Reilly and the religious foolish nuts are really worried about losing. Young people will never go into a church these days unless they add some bars and upbeat dancing music as this is what young folks enjoy than choir musicals and readings of the same non-entertaining fish tales of biblical times. Only a fool these days would think church is a fun place worshipping objects they cant see because they have instilled fear embedded in their DNA through generations of religious indoctrination.

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