Caller pam lets Thom Hartman know that India's neo-liberalism is what they have in mind for America

Ned Baily
   Thom Hartman has both a video program and a radio show promoting the virtues of progressive action and many of his callers reflect this. One smart woman who had spent time in India serving the poor and lower castes that are shunned by Muddle Class and Wealthy Indians called Hartmann and let him know what is planned in America. India is an extreme country of inequality where there are high rises and modern cities for the upper classes that would rival any in Asia or the western world. At the same time services for much of the population is so poor the masses have to wash their clothes in the river and basically live without electricity and for much of the masses in India this is how daily life grinds. the India government has pushed an agenda of continuing growth whose only possibilities of success would be to have more people live life to the low extremes one can imagine so a few leading Indian corporations remain doing strong. Thom Hartmann is a great host on important topics of global inequality and even he has little idea of the real purpose of international elites and how they make their compatriots live so low. A caller by the name of Pam called Hartmann and let him know how the ruling class runs India basically as a nation like Scandinavia for about four or six million well to do people. for the rest of the billion Indians life is little improved from the harsh starving conditions of when the English ruled this land for so long as people have to go to dirty rivers for access to water. she says in her years of serving the poor in India under her Christian charity the gulf between the have and have nots is being spread by government that is indifferent to the needs of the people. She sees the same process occurring in this country where the psychopaths ruling this nation is trying to install such deep cuts of austerity that sooner or later we too will have to rely on washing our clothes in the river or using fire to read if you are not rich and connected to the energy grid. This could easily happen to America as pro-business groups pool their resources to take over government and run  it to the efficiency that they see is being done in other neo-liberal countries who have instilled this deteriorating condition for the population as the new norm and necessary for the growth to compete in the new reality that those with capital insist. Without a pushback and revolution they will have their way as they have had in Arab lands and India for so long following the legacy set by colonialism from the British isles.

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