Alex Mousolpoplous
Peter Schiff and investors like him are total pricks. They use their money to decide which countries and governments are rewarding of handouts from international investors who can brokerage leverage on people in far away lands and this scam has been going on for a long time. Peter Schiff recently was on Greg Hunter's Gold and Silver and war hoping internet sham of a program and the topic was once again Greece. Peter Schiff and other investors are really watching and hoping for the demise of Greece as they cant stand it as these governments that don't hand over every asset of the state to be turned over to private hands can continue to accumulate debt. The agendas of these international investors that shitheads like Peter Schiff advocate is total control over governments and monetary practices. whether they be Greece or Angola.
Middlemen shits like Peter Schiff halp direct and dictate policy for these countries and what the money and projects in these supposedly independent countries out to be from everything to state employment to spending projects. An ass like Peter Schiff makes millions from being the middle men of the new feudal lordships whose colonialism dreams never died and always continued in more subtle forms and nothing can be more evident than the thousands of ranting and ravings of economic terrorists and lunatics like a Peter Schiff people can find out through the web. I have said it before and will say it again men like Peter Schiff and investors across borders are shitheads and the cause of the economic problems today with their policies of control and manipulation on governments around the world. Peter Schiff and his ill ilk hate government because it is the only institution standing in the way of total capitalist destruction and the reinstitution to promote and expand serfdom for much of the worlds population as men like him make out as bandidos hoarding all the wealth into their personal chiefdom and castle.
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