Illegel alien Alfredo Prieto finally executed much to chagrin of David Pakman

Lionel Wagner
   Liberals like the sad sap David Pakman are often against the death penalty because it affects minorities more as he ignores that minorities account for a vast majority of brutal serial murders that warrant death penalties. case in point one El Salvadoran illegal alien Alfredo Prieto. I have toe fortune of announcing that this fuck ass was killed by the state of Virginia sometime last week as he say for decades on death row in two states with a series of brutal murders against Americans all of which were sexually motivated. Image result for alfredo prieto serial killerVirginia is not California and moved quickly to execute this murderous raping animal and put him into a better place where he may have to atone for his depravity. Why this country allows these migrants from war torn areas that was El Salvador to come and prey in its citizens is just a sign how little regard this government cares for the safety of its citizens and more for foreign subjects it allows in most likely profiting from their payments. Alberto Prieto was a scumbag that shouldn't have been allowed to starve the system with legal use our justice system. Liberals like David Pakman would be upset that deranged killers of White Americans would be not allowed to live off the tax system and be allowed to roam the concrete jungles of prison system still being a jeopardy to the humanity that has to work in one of these hell holes. Alfredo Prieto killed nine people often raping the women in front of their male befriends in a jealous rage that a loser like him was a worthless gangbanger and could only get sex through forced gang bangs. An Alfredo Prieto was no different than terrorists from the Middle East instead being allowed to directly attack innocent Americans within this country from a country that refuses to follow their legal system and protect its borders from nomadic demonic central American drugged of terrorists who along with the black underclass has killed more Americans than any Middle East Islamic group.El Salvador has the highest homicide rates in the world and poverty has little to do with it and more of a mentality that these people have in a defect in their brain from this region. Bullshit podcasters like Pakman will come up with one study and proclaim one in four death row inmates are actually innocent and repeat this lie in order to protect the worse in humanity and their actions on others who caused them no harm that are worthy of equal retribution from the grieving family members or just society execution force to put notice on future potential killers who get satisfaction or ideas from these crimes When Donald Trump talks about the dangers on our borders it is psychotic killers like this who finally got his just reward and was taken off the face of the earth although unfortunately in a more humane easy fashion in the disgraceful method of injection. Blacks and Latin males continue to attack people in this country at great numbers much like Native Americans committed and they best be careful not to awaken a sleeping giant armed to the teeth and ready for retribution for these numerous race crimes. Killers like Prieto are more deserving and in need of the most brutal type of torture that is dished and seemingly only reserved for terrorists and hopefully in a new police state shit like this will change and the common killer and serial destroyer will face a more traumatic experience in their final days. Liberal scum will continue to defend killers like Prieto and rally against the death penalty but the death penalty is needed and should be celebrated when we have such evil preying on our fellow citizens in this country. Alberto Prieto rest in hell

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