Venezuela on the brink of civil war

Ramon Ramos
   Nicolas Madura is resisting the corrupt future that the opposition party in Venezuela is wishing to bring back. The stolen legislative elections where big foreign money helped install a few weeks back is being challenged by president Maduro as he rightfully calls out the sham that the election process was and the sinister attempts and coup of his party's leadership that has done much to address the massive inequality that Venezuela society was witnessing in the pre Hugo Chavez era. he appointed twelve members into the supreme court of Venezuela to check the power and attempts from the pro-business and global in taking over the assembly in Venezuela. Mr Madero needs to show the legacy of Hugo Chavez should not be tarnished by this legislative victory by those forces that want to return the country to its crony capitalist ways before Hugo Chavez took power and ruled to the benefit of the average everyday Jose. Make no mistake that this country is on a verge of a Syria type civil war as the big money crony capitalists are tired of this resource rich country being a role model for socialism and the success a country can have for most people instead of a few who hoard power and then use their economic gains to control politicians and preserve and increase their wealth at the detriment of their countrymen whose labor power is declined for this process to continue. Mr Maduro is in  a battle against American style crony capitalism and counterrevolution that seeks to make gains in Venezuela and do everything in its power to dethrone the programs of Nicolas Maduro and his socialist party. The United States is getting involved telling Maduro to release over seventy political prisoners and Madero should respond for them to release all detainees in Gitanomano. South America is a keg that could boil over someday as reverses that were achieved in ending the massive inequality that has always existed are reversed by these political parties that get into assemblies during off election years and use their power to undermine the impressive gains into eradicating the system that for so long brought it upon Latin American society.

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