Mark Zuckerburg declares his presedential run and Global emperor rule by 2032

Tony Miselli
   Rumors are running rampant in the offices of our blog. There is talk that Mark Zuckerberg's younger brother Zachary Zuckerberg will be hired shortly at the most expensive deal yet for a writer at this blog and that only he will have access to critique and writing on Facebook. Zachary is a big critic of his brothers company and its role in society and dominating technology while snooping on your private and favorite material on the web. With this in mind, I decided to write a Facebook piece and on a Economist cover story this week about Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook that pretty much covers why Facebook became the largest social media site. It was not because Facebook had the sleekest look or that its social media platform was superior to Myspace or Friendster. It was not because it offered anything better than other sites out there. it was because the advertising world selected it to be the best one trusting its management team could easily be manipulated to serve the advertising industry more efficiently. They could trust and count on Facebook making it easier for them to access your data and get an inside look at what your interests are and what you purchase. Investors and advertisers flushed this company with so much fucking money and funds so it could easily wipe out competition and buy out potential rivals and start ups that would prevent consolidation in the social media arena that would just complicate things and make it more expensive for research and data on consumers habitual on-line activities. Facebook and these investors are corrupt and rotten and the best thing you can do for your privacy and not get ripped off on-line is to get the fuck off Facebook. Advertisers could reach consumers with laser-like precision thanks to the questionable scandalous tactics of Mark Zuckerberg's company and the fact there hasn't been a more outcry by consumers shows the unconcerned public attitude of big brother. The big brother is Mark Zuckerberg and Zachary Zuckerberg knows all too well of the nefarious attitude that is potentially the biggest threat to freedom the world has ever faced in Facebook.  This article and the speed of domination and acquisitions of Facebook is alarming because Facebook represents corporations in general in their race and quest to conquest all industries into a monopolistic nightmare that could only be achieved through the plutocratic takeover of Western democracy and politicians more concerned about making money once out of office than maintaining democratic principles of Western Civilization. for all you liberals who hate Donald Trump and his political role and famedom just wait two decades for an aged and more embittered Mark Zuckerberg and his presidential run and complete take over in as he is inaugurated Chancellor, Czar, Sultan, President, Emperor, Prime Minister, Head Chief,  King,and CEO in January of  2033

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