Howard Stern talks sheeps and need for sheeps to have guns to shoot the wolves

Cody Maloney
    Howard stern is dismayed that politicians are following another brutal mass slaying with the  call to confiscate arms. Every mass shooting will follow this attempt to eradicate the second amendment and a take away of our rights of arms and basically the right to blow as many people as we can when we get upset. Howard Stern made the comparison that people are sheep and cannot rely solely on slow sheep dogs to protect them from the wolves and center bears. Howard says disarming the public is a bad idea no matter how many more erratic lunatics from the Middle East are allowed in and decide to act as Allah and eliminate those people with lifestyles different from the followers of Islam. Howard went of an expletive rant about the people trying to prevent very wealthy men like himself from being able to have arms and protect his forty million dollars a year the jerk gets compensated for talking like the average potty mouth teenager.
 Howard has a lot at stake as a member of this country and community that somehow has made the decision a moron like him is worth all that oney because he has a big mouth and is a Jew. Howard fears the growth of Muslims but doesn't seem to have a problem with Muslims getting their hands on guns and blowing to bits people at places he will not ever be around safely tucked in his home bunker with tops of security. Of course, places like the gay nightclub do not make forty million dollars and couldn't afford the levels of security this incredibly talented member of the media can afford as such.

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