Glen Beck brought out his chalkboard to talk about the Iran deal where supposedly four hundred million dollars was used to gain the release of four hostages and Mr Beck showed basically how we got screwed out of the deal. Beck ignored the fact that the payment in foreign currencies was irrelevant to the release of four hostages and the right wing such as Glen Beck are conspirator by nature concerning this nuclear deal. keeping Iran as a pariah state and away from global contacts that could turn the Shiite theocracy into a more secular partner in trade and commerce is besides the point for this Christian fundamentalist.
Glen Beck and his chalkboards are utterly ridiculous and his square talk and lunatic behaviors using this board was one of the reasons even FOX TV got rid of his pathetic ass. Beck went on to start the blaze TV and continue this chalkboard tradition on this very little viewed network where most of the viewers who turn in are people who hate this idiot and are amused by his silly antics. Glen Beck is the school teacher you always wanted to beat the crap out of and I have to admit seeing him on the net with this chalkboard whining about Iran nuclear deal was good to see. It is good to see a right-wing bitch just complain about foreign policy and deals he disagrees with n has a contemptible view. Its poignant to ring out that right-wing Christians are obsessed with Israel and the final days and will forever hold any regional power and its goals as an instrument for dangers to the illegal Jewish state.
The idea that Iran is any threat to Israel when it has its own problems with an increasing population and being situated in a sea of enemies and Sunni extremists is a joke and something a Glen Beck can't comprehend. Iran and the United States should be natural friends and the possibility of bringing Iran back into a partnership with us and Israel in the region cannot occur until sanctions and other regulations against Iran and the nations ability at self-sufficiency is accomplished. Beck was proud of his little chalk pep talk about how much more Iran was getting in this deal and profiting from the stupidity of US foreign policy from the Obama administration and felt a little depressed that he no longer had a large corporate media FIX TV audience to see his point on his errr excellent tyrannical and insane outlook of Mid East policy from a whack job perspective . This is a guy who should stick talking about the bible and pro sports.
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