Neil De Grasse Tyson says eerything is a simulation and fake news

Gus Perkowski
   Not to long ago at the prestigious Isaac Asimov memorial Debate some of the nations top physicists and got together at the American museum of natural history to talk of the universe. Neil Degrasse Tyson the clown was there and again made headlines in what would of been another boring elite discussion of ions and the atmosphere and gas particles reaching Saturn. The question of whether the universe is a simulation no different than a big screen movie that humans manipulate to tell a story. Neil de Grasse Tyson says we may be in a matrix system where everything is controlled by the master planner and we are being observed much like as snot nosed kid observes an ant farm. Image result for neil degrasse tyson panel isaac asimov debateI  use to love ant farms and create my own natural catastrophes for the poor little critters and as a bug exterminator I have been lord and master killer of insects for several decades. Most of the physicists and philosophers say it is impossible to prove whether everything that occurs on the third rock from the sun is real or nit and Tyso says unless we can prove that it is possible to simulate a universe and we can figure all of the laws  it is easy to think that it can be done. Image result for neil degrasse tyson panel isaac asimov debateWe can figure out of the sun or mars is real the day we can actually put enough fuel to store and visit these wonderful places.  For the ants in my ant farm in the mid-seventies it didn't matter whether their life was real or a simulation because when I ignited a lighter or flooder their pens it was going to be over for their little miserable lives trapped in glass for a snot-nosed ten year old primate.Image result for b science fiction movies fifties  ant people Neil De Grasse Tyson's buddy Stephan Hawking often worries about space aliens coming to earth to eat people and he endlessly has consumed a lot of human entertainment and B science fiction movies as Neil de Grasse Tyson. this could explain why al of these science guys think we can actually set up an intetergalatical system where the mega wealthy can travel back and forth to Mars someday. what bothers scientists like Tyson is the idea that were in a simulation because like an ant in an ant farm or a rate in a cage we are creatures regulated and stuck into a small certain sphere which we cannot travel far form no matter who intelligent being s we think of such. we are under the spell of a force as strong as a five year old in control of a ant farm and this is something humanity cannot phantom and I say it is gases that really control everything and exist in massive amounts as dark matter pulling the strings to the puppets of humanity. When you fart you add to the power of dark matter. think about it. .Related image

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