Rouge One Star Wars movie an excuse for more violence in culture and would of pleased Quentin Tarantino

Nick Dumbjilio
   Star Wars has released another film this year and the continuing violence depicted in this movie is atypical of all movies and it is s shame to see Star Wars fall to this ploy. The amount of mass killing and sudden quick video game slaughter would make a Quentin Tarantino pleased as the Hugh-Heffner looking cult asshole director may one day actually get to direct one of these annual released Star Wars movies in the near future. This new Star Wars  movie had numerous mass quick killing of Jedi power that is about as realistic as building condos on the Moon this year.
Overall the movie has enough actions in battle and so forth but it is becoming increasingly clear that Star Wars is moving more in the direction of more brutality and displays of mass violence in their movies and the final scene of Lord Vadar killing so many rebels as they try to get the data file of plans for destroying the death star was insane. a couple of teenagers actually rose up and gave a high five as Vadar sliced, diced, slashed, flashed, chopped death to numerous people. there were other mass killings in quick timely succession. I am sure somewhere Quentin Tarantino was watching this and gave a high five to the amount of violence he feels pleased he singlehanded seemed to influence in society with his psychotic Kill Bill type bullshit displays of depravity on screen. it shudders me to think of the accepting violence and unnecessary  mass video game killing seen in this mainstream Star wars movies and this should be seen for what it is as another excuse to push guns and violence in the culture of people.
 This movie might as well be directed by Quentin Tarantino and the style and influence of this deranged madman could be seen in Rouge One and one must wonder if all future Star wars movies will have these viral video swirl circle mass killing and why do directors  feel this inclusion of violence is necessary for the Star wars movie. The battle scenes where one guy killing all these troopers is laughable and unfortunately it seems like it is something audiences demand or are more accepting for their favorite sci-fi movies.

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