Casey Kelso
Fake news is all the rage and the mainstream media outlets are more and more on the run as and being exposed on their own phony platforms aside form more and more podcasts from all over the world. Patrick Henningsen has been one of the wonderful small independent news outlets bashing the globalist agendas of the mainstream media which is owned by billionaire media classes and their advertising agencies nobility kleptocrats who have controlled society and had their way for so long. Patrick Henningsen said that the mainstream media has been throwing fake news and boomerangs and now these boomerangs are coming back to the corporate global class who judges other by how much they can afford for clothing or were able to spend on language tutoring classes.
Patrick talked about the incessant attacks of the media and out corrupt political class against Donald Trump will eventually take its toll on Donald J Trump as these three global money agendas are willing to sacrifice the potential and success of America in order to have their way and fake news is a vehicle the global trading billionaires to discredit and attack leaders like trump, Hugo Chavez, and Alex Tsipras who stand up to the creditors and destroyers of nations (i.e Jewish bankers). Patrick Hennigsen and his Sunday Wire is a real website looking to explore issues more deeper than jackasses like David Pakman and Sam Sedar who are willing to see the heartlands destroyed so cities can have all of the money and cool restaurants and infrastructure spending to bring in increase property prices and more of their global cronies and their corrupt money from other nations. Henningsen and his staff giggled and listened to the broadcast of a Don Lemon interview some weeks back where a guest simply stated to Mr Lemonheads face on camera that the issue of Trump's vacationing is fake news just reported to somehow try to make the new president look bad for his followers. The Sunday Wire group coundlt beleive this Lemon clown walked off his own show after being accused being fake news. Donald Trump is not vacationing but going to a place he spends every weekend and is no different than people shilling and having their weekends off working 9-5 during the week. CNN though is a propaganda fake independent news source in bed with foreign Saudi and corporate Democratic donors. Patrick and his guest and staff praised Venezuela for throwing CNN out of the coutry and expressed hope the same can occur in America
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