Bernie Sanders comes on Face The Nation and blasts Donald Trump and considers another presidential run down the line

Leonardo McGregor
   Vermont geriatric socialist and communist senator Bernie sanders appeared on face the nation the other day and made a call for Trump supporters to come to his side and embrace his methology of giving free stuff to everyone. Sanders promised jockeys they would get free horses, Muslims would get free camels, and dairy farmers ahhh would get free chickens. Bernie Sander sis mulling a presidential run again in 2020 and get reverberating the poll numbers of Donald Trump being the most unpopular president after a hundred days.
Bernice also mentioned how Donald Trump poll numbers claimed he was the most unpopular presidential candidate of all time and yet somehow he sits in the White house playing golf often for fun while Bernie sanders comes on Face the Nation desperately trying to transform the corporate Democratic establishment (which rebuilt cities and increased prestige and wealth) into once again a Democratic  welfare state of no policing that virtually ruined Detroit, Cleveland,  and the rust belt. Bernie sanders will run for Donald rump and he will have the full backing of the radical Black lives matter organization that will come and crash his speeches as they please as was done in 2016.
The fact is Bernie sanders and his poll numbers are fake news and most of the country would reject this senor citizen who quite literally has no backbone or a shrinking one and his administration would cowtow to Blacks like most Democratic administrations in the past. sanders would get as side swiped by president Trump in 2020 as quickly and easily Bernie's bitches humiliated the old fag who should just step don and retire and shut his gray mouth. He looked so weak and timid on that stage with these large lud-mouth Black women that Bernie lost any chance in 2016 when this event occurred and he lost any chance of me voting for him running against anyone not named Clinton. The jerk better invest in security next time.   Bernie's ideas are dumb his speaking is slow, and his brain gets more and ore like smashed potatoes as the guy realizes he is a clown and serves no purpose and only backing from the far-left anarchist clowns in society who know a leader like Bernie would doom the country of their birth and one they ahhh hate so much. Image result for donald trump and bernie sandersBernie hates Donald Trump and his policies with a passion and he has a desire to go one on one and who knows in 2020 we may well get the dream match up for the white House which was prevented because some wife of a former president felt she was entitled to hold the same office

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