Nick Dumbjilio
Skull Island grossed fifty million in its opening weekend and became a dud quickly as the movie and its producers still hope an international audience can save the from major losses. The latest reboot of King Kong is further indication that Hollywood can't think up of anything new and original and this movie was the same relapse of King bore as audiences quickly declined for this expensive movie. it reportedly cost one hundred and eight five million to make and another cool hundred million to market and pay tribute to the advertising nobility in America and watching "Skull Island" I really don't know what audiences got for the money spent of this crap.
The latest Kong movie will not make a domestic two hundred million mark because the movie has been seen and done before in other forms and audiences really don't go apeshit for stories of a wild over-sized ape. The movie annalists will claim it was massive springtime competition that doomed Kong from really exploding like Godzilla of a few years ago but in reality audiences want originality and not rebooted or rehashed brands especially given the monster and action genre. However as usual the international market saves these big budget bad movies as supposedly Chinese audiences drove to flocks if people can trust the date big budget Hollywood production claim to justify their spending for computer animated movies. Watching Skull island was about as exciting as watching 1933 King Kong and this movie could of been done without a big gorilla and just a big hairy monster and no one would tell the difference and the uniqueness and originality of something different would of been more appreciated along some viewers such as myself. kull island was a disaste rin America
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