James Howard Kuntsler comes to Glen Ellyn, Illinois and protests another massive gas station meant to transform town

Gerald Jasper
   A seven hour village board meeting and battle resulted in the corrupt trustees in allowing another massive gas station expansion in Dupage County and there are going to be more gas stations than people or cars in this aging and crumbling corrupt county in Illinois. DuPage County was the first area to see profiteers find ways to profit from cheap land as people moved out in the ethnic cleansing of cities as Whites fled in suburbia. The rural nature quickly evaporated as builders and contractors sought out as much opportunity to build big box stores on former profit-generating farms that produced for this country instead of being an outlet to import for the economy ,especially stuff from China. the allowance of energy companies to have these big box convenience and gas markets is a further proof of an insane free market orientation of the economy as rich areas don't have to worry about seeing gas stations expand and be developed in their areas producing a decline of living standard and eventually wealth through property degradation of an area. In this case there are dozens of huge gas stations not very far yet the village wants to put one in essentially in a residential area near a school and the disregard of this fact by these corrupt trustees shows who these local politicians serve this being outside energy behemoths desperate for more outlets to build and own assets for access to more 0 percent interest loans to supply their executives with higher base incomes in the millions.
True North Energy Inc is the owner of the lot at 825 North Main Street and it now appears that wall Streets plan of getting rid of Main Street as an economic force and rival is to virtually plant gas stations all over until there is no main Street buy a Gas street.  what is especially egregious As famed author James Howard Kuntsler stated when he visited the protest is that the village used tax payer money to buy up the property and then bestow it to the highest bidder which of course will often be energy companies given Americas preponderance to waste and drive everywhere. The desire for more gas stations is alos to give more prestige and influence for the Indian community which exclusively has some set aside for their ownership or franchise exclusive rights and this is all you see behind the counters of these gas stations across America. James Howard gave a rousing speech of why the suburbs suck and how residents better be prepared to fight for their community other wise they will lose it and the only place to go out at night will be the scary convenience gas mart as it is often the case in Black Ghettos long having to suffer a food desert and gas build up in their communities because of lack of ability to buy and support local charm businesses. The local officials ignored the public and not getting involved in local politics is often the root cause as these communities sell out to those interests wishing to turn your community into a Indianapolis speedway

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