Marcelino Hervias expected his taxi medallion to fetch him two million dollar by now

Terry Blue
   Uber and Lyft are two great silicon valley companies and ideas to help end the taxi domination of cities and the ponzi scheme of medallions becoming investment tools for loan sharks and fake values. In a way taxi medallions and their over-valuation represents the financial industry in general in the west and the idea that a Marcelino Hervias having been entitled and thinking he would fetch two million dollars for his medallion shows the cognitive dissonance of this idea that long held sway in Democratically-controlled cities.
Mr Hervias came to America from Peru and tried quickly to get onto this Ponzi Scree of taxi medallions and now finds himself underwater as values of these limited and connected taxi medallions has collapsed. The limitization of taxi medallions through the years was government legitimization of pay for  playing up to the cronies of other lands, such as this bozo Marcelino , who like many Middle Easterners and South Americans come to this country to take advantage of city-States and their economic  abuse of this country.
Marcel will now get nada from his taxi medallion and further empowerment of ride sharing programs should be explored and initiated to further erode and destroy this loan left shark business as this taxi system which was always so rifle with corruption. these foreigners would take advantage of Americas infrastructure and tax payments and then bring their relatives to work in America often disdaining the very people they are suppose to serve and provide quality customer serve. In the internet era and reviews this system came crashing and the image of taxi  drivers  driving  passenger-less at nights wasting fuel and  with no real purpose except holding of these limited medallions. These medallions have rightfully dropped from a fake value of 500,000 dollars to fifty thousand and how pathetic and bad this occupation is I would say a medallion is worth about as much as a license for a rent a cop and it is great to see this system about kaput.

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