Marl Levin goes bananas defending the wasteful spending of health industry Pharmaceutical and Insurance executives

Jerry Palmer
   Right-wig nut ball radio host Mark Levin went ballistic recently talking about the health care industry and how liberals are tryig to take away the tiered superior health care that rich people can buy for themselves and that others cannot get provided based on income. Mark Levin wises to see the heatlh care industry remain riddled with fraud that the private insurance and health industries provide scamming people out of money so they can have extra incomes to supplement the advertising and marketing industries in America and ut Viagra commercials on sports teams bringing in huge incomes for billionaire sports owners. Mark Levin wishes to see the heath care industry resemble the airline industry where those with much money can buy exclusive and more larger comfortable seats with no middle seat, lof arm rests etc etc less people and more comfortable surroundings and the son of a bitch went on a long hour long rant the other day defending Americas exclusionary health care sysytem.
Apparently a jag fag like Levan wishes to see doctors and hospitals give top priority and the costly status quo where middle men get to skimp off the top and create all these endless jobs for the corporate business class. A jackass like Mark Levin wails about the bureaucrats determining medicine despite the fact this would cost society less than the executives controlling hospitals ,pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies that purchase so many unnessasy technologies and jets for themselves to maintain their luxury traveling lifestyle

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    MAKE UP TO $10,000 PER WEEK.
