Business Cat a unique comic strip looking at challenges faced if having a cat as a boss in office

Arnold Buckley
  The Adventures of  business cat is a comic inspired  by both the nineties cult comedy office Space and of course, the Dilbert comic series. Business cat is basically a comic strip one would encounter life if having a  cat as a boss and this strip is written by comic artist named Tom Fonder. This strip is pretty great but one has to wonder if eventually Tom will have difficulty finding story lines and funny punchlines after a year or two as maintaining a strip just on the concept of a cat in charge of an office is relatively difficult one can imagine.
  This comic strip and a cat in a suit pretty much sums up this feline animal and fat  cats running and wasting business and increasing costs for their causes is a reality. One has to wonder why comic artist Fonder didn't have an overweight cat represented instead of a fit one. this strip isn't has distributed in syndication  as much in newspapers as other comic strips and perhaps this strip is fairly new and will grow.
Business cat is an appealing visually strip easy to read and understand whether you worked in an office or worked more in a blue-collar environment. the strip features this half-cat half-man businessman and  I didn't read enough comic strips to quite understand why this cat man in a suit doesnt just appear fully as a cat which would equally been as funny as entertaining being the boss and in charge of a human workplace.
The only difficulty for business cat in networking and expanding is the Dilbert problem, as there is already a long established business/office comic strip with a animal represented very often in the strip. reading this strip makes me long for watching office Space and the TV show Office and basically this strip should be highlighted more in the fledgling business of newspapers and comic strips. its surprising that Newsweek and Bloomberg magazines  don't even have one page devoted to comic strips Business Cat is a unique and inspiring comic strip for cat owners and pet lovers in general giving a interesting take and glimpse of what office life would be with cats running the show much like they do in pet owners homes.

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