Perhaps Richard Wolff should not take airlines if it bothers him so much

Eric Ericson
   professor Richard Wolff constantly attacks the for-profit airline industry through his award-winning Economics Update podcast. chard Wolff explains the cost-cutting measures of the airline industry and how it has totally deteriorated the travel experience and customer serve degradation has spread evenly through all of the major carriers. Dr Wolff is furious at som e recent personal experiences he and his wife had to deal wit on airlines as he travels both domestically and internationally as one of the most well-known socialists in the Western world. Dr Wolff of the New York school of dentistry often speaks about business and how they screw over and disrespect the consumer and ever increasingly now in this era of greed and monopolistic consolidation of the economy.
Dr Wolff has wailed away so on these airlines one must wonder why don't he stop taking them and traveling the world away if these experiences are so terrible and third class seating packs them like sardines. Dr Wolff is particularly mad that wealthy individuals can bypass the bullshit with screenings and are allowed a first class massive upgrade in room and service while the rest of the paying consumers without ability to keep up the increased fare must ahhh be packed like a bunch of pickles in a smell pickle jar. professor Wolff is a smart man and he knows fucking numbers pretty well and one ahhh would think that he knows the costs of running these operations and that airlines are companies needing g to make their bottom like otherwise mechanical cuts would be needed and airplanes would start falling into the bottom of a stream,lake, or yes you got it right..oceans.  I would challenge Dr Wolff to watch the eighties classic movie airplane so he can laugh for once and see what can happen to an airline industry where cost-cutting measures in the aisles. What would occur would b e that cost cutting measures would hit the cockpit and you would have automatic blow up dolls and stewardess helping one pilot instead of actually having three trained and good paying piolets running the airship.

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