Liberals starting to turn on Mark Zuckerberg as he is destroyed on South Park

Zachary Zuckerberg
  It is not easy being a Zuckerberg these days especially for my brother Mark. Liberals and progressives are annihilating him for Facebook allowing Russians purchasing political ads on Facebook as if this somehow had something to do with the evil Witch of Park Ridge and her defeat in last years election. The elitism of Hillary and her voters along with a bias media had a hundred times more to do with Hillary Clinton's defeat than obvious fake ads on Facebook shining Hillary Clinton and her candidacy in a bad light yet somehow all the pressure continues to be on Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.
Mark is something an idiot and instead of refusing to acknowledge Facebook had anything to do with it and it is wrong  for anyone to purchase bias ads he bend down to the pressures of the ANTIFA left-wing crowd and they are doubling down on Facebook. South Park virtually destroyed Mark Zuckerberg the other day ion an episode showing fake cartoon and advertising Mark Zuckerberg is less than a shining light and how is this any different of South Park and other Late night television productions  than Facebook or other social media platforms allowing edgy and humorous Russian or Macedonian political ads appearing during a campaign cycle. The mainstream bias and scrupulous media may want you to beleive only Russians bought these ads but the majority of the anti-Hilary ads were in fact purchased by red blooded Americans who abhorred the idea of a Clinton crowing monarchy being installed by the neo-liberalism corpacracy.
I myself bought and created some edgy fake ads during the campaign  through Facebook and other outlets virtually destroying this bitches attempts to unconscionably get into the White House. Perhaps the Russia and didn't want another Clinton term to destroy this nation and others  as her husband had done in the nineties with Yugoslavia and Hillary attempted to do with Syria during the illegal and stolen Barack Hussein administration. What it is  really about is not  the allowances of fake news but the technocrats,plutocrats,autocrats wanting to monopolize the political satire and trolling through mainstream media and not having to deal with those of the other side wishing to emulate and make political gains through savagery attacks. 

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