Sean Hannitty pleased by NFL ratings major dip

Earl "Bam Bam" Cunningham
   The national football ratings are down and for right-wing television host Sean Hannitty this is a sign that protests are working and the negative reaction the league and its players have received from the public is proof. Ratings though are often inconsistent and if one looks back at past ratings of pro football there has always been times of lost interest and follow of the league. Many fans will get through this protest because in it and all the sport of pro football is the only one with so few games that mean much throughout the once a week schedule. Of cours,  if players make it an annual habitual part of the sport taking the knew during the playing of national anthems it will continue to negatively affect the sport and Sean Hannitty says the players will deserve this loss of income that they could not expect nor get form anywhere else unless perhaps they had the rare talents of a Bo Jackson or Deon Sanders and could make the switch to another sport. I don't see what taking a knee is any more offensive than the outrageous celebration that take place after every play which I am more offended having never witnessed in my years as a player in the league. When I played the game we scored a touchdown,  grabbed the crotches of a couple of players a,nd swiftly handed the ball to the referee.
 American football also has the popularity of the college game in small town and college town America that is often a pipeline to the over-paid professional league and the money will continue to be thrown towards this sport form the corporate class because the corporate class needs these class luxury event sin order to demonstrate their ability to purchase and spend their wealth that the average NFL cannot afford in attending championship playoff nor season tickets. Hannitty also didn't say much about the owner of the Texans calling players inmates and as long as you have owners wiling to say shit like this one can expect further erosion of players ability to stand straight during the playing of the national anthem. 

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