Mark Dice criticizes scared kids in Florida school shooting for connecting through texts and snapchat

Tony Miselli
 Money Speak
  Right wing nut-job YouTube vlogger Mark Dice put up a disturbing tweet and then quickly took it down right after the school shooting wondering why kids were snap chatting on their phones instead of calling 911 during the school shooting in Parkland,Florida. Mark Dice got shredded through social media for the tweet and he quickly ignored it and made no reference to his tweet criticizing teens reactions to a life and death situation. Mark Dice may not realize it but social media,snap chat,twitter is the cordless phone of this generation and his ridiculous accusations and criticism earned him rightful disdain for his tweet that even he knew he had pushed the envelope. A Dice will criticize kids instead oif the gun lobby or those advocating cutting of government services for the mentally disturbed that could of treated this guy and reported he had a gun to the proper authorities. One has to wonder if 17 cops were killed by this gunman instead of random teens if Mark Dice's reaction would of been different in his observation of this tragedy. Dice's reaction in no sense ageism in reverse,  as these teens not being respected tax payers or workers yet are indispensable and just statistics in the warped mind of a Mr Dice: A man  who speakingly places importance of money on issues.

 If Mark Dice wanted to make a contribution to this school shooting he should of asked why companies continue to profit form making these weapons of mass school destruction and how nimrods like Nicholas Cruz  can purchase so easily guns to use on classmates. Mark Dice though says nothing about the gun industry and why they are so readily available and easy tog et for young disturbed minds like the shooter in parkland, Florida.

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