Alex Molusoloplous calls red eye radio fags Eric Harley and Gary McNamara about Trump's tariffs

Bert Berg
   Our own Alex Mousolopolous called into Red Eye radio program the night that president Trump signed in the sweeping new tariffs of steel and aluminium imports that has done nothing but wreck opportunities for American workers and given advantages to global traders and insiders. President Trump and his followers had enough of the economic power given to Canada and Mexico at  the expense of many rural areas of the country by economic terrorists both foreign and domestic that helped  bring about this reality of this country. President Trump signed major sweeping new reform that big global trucking and economic hacks Red Eye radio hacks Gary McNamara and Eric Harley strongly disapprove because it both unsettle sand upsets their pay masters.
These global paymaster provide tremendous job opportunities for shit bags that are propaganda ministers of talk radio such as Eric Halrey  and Gary McNamara that want to see Americans and rural folks dependent on trucking obs or low-wage jobs at Wal Mart or Save Marts and dollar stores across the country. Our own left shark writer Alex Mousolpolous got tired of the bullshit and talk of the economy and how reducing imports and making it more expensive would actually hurt the economy and Alex Mousloplous called and fronted both of these jag fags right on their red eye radio program and said that trade imbalances of some eight hundred billion dollars hurts the economy for most people. What these two over-night idiot son the radio meant was that making steel and aluminum imports more expensive would hurt the pocketbooks of the oligarchs and plutocrats and board members of huge companies who made the same decision to offshore many high-paying American steel jobs overseas so they could pocket and enlarge their bank accounts.
Harley and McNamara misinform on trade and often say it is impossible to balance trade and that it shouldn't be a priority because we have a larger country which makes no sense and is bullshit and just evidence that they want to the status quo to remain and continue to give an monetary allowance to those art top who guarantee a trickle down to others in ...the media. The political Republican establishments also has been running and lobbying against this new tariff plan as it would hurt their economic fortunes form corrupt foreign government along using profits form slave-wage cheap labor their country provides in the steel ,aluminium and other industries and essentially buy our political leaders like Paul Ryan into accepting these nefarious harrowing trade deals that have done more untold damage to our economy than flying airplanes into the twin towers. The insanity y also gave these same offshoring companies tax breaks to move out of the country and bring back imported junk that was then sold at inflated prices to Americans. This is something these two red eye pieces of shit wish to see to continue because their jobs they can rest assured will never be off shored to other countries and Manoor and Abu will become the new red eye radio hosts over night on a thousand syndicated lame radio corporate owned stations. Alex Mousolpolous owned these shits as they pretty much vindicated how global trade and its imbalances has an objective to bring down the living standard of Americans and empower the oligarchs and kleptocrats of other lands. Men like Harley and McNamara are traitors and would have no shame in bringing this country down to its knees like Greece.
Harley and McNamara have no problem of dollars returning to the states and being used to funnel other ideas form people in other states and lands onto our political leaders who established a preference to manufacture stuff overseas and empower global oligarchs instead of having products made in America where money stays in America. The red eye radio fags need to be taken off the air and called out for their respective interests in establishing a transfer of wealth out of this country and into the  narrow hands of a few business honchos and cronies outside this country and who support and fund the media landscape pushing their agendas through hacks like Eric Halrey and Gary McNamara to lie about the affects of trade.

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