Is Ed Bassmaster a panhandler or just an attention seeking punk on YouTube?

Lincoln Kennedy
 Ed Bassmaster makes some awful videos on YouTube and sometimes he dresses up and then sometimes he is just that bald annoying individual as himself. Ed Bassmaster makes some bad masterster videos on YouTube and basically is about as funny and entertaining as the panhandlers on the street. I t appears with all of the entreaty bullshit that Ed does to his unsuspecting prank victims that Ed Bassmaster is basically just a panhandler himself. Ed often just goes up to people an asks for food and money or favors in his prank videos and agian it makes one ponder watching this is how is pretending to be a panhandler in your videos  on YouTube of any value or illustrious comedic talent and humorous.
 Ed Bassmaster also bugs vendors in many of his YouTube lame videos and then acts like they are giving him a gift or a freebie. When these street vendors want their item back of dinero for it this shit bag whines and bitches and asks why can't they spare oen item for a brother down on his luck. Many of these vendors quickly walk and ignore this stupid asses requests and needs for free stuff . In a sense Ed is like a corporation making request to local governments getting their requests often granted for their ill-advised and awful projects that only enable the already rich. Ed Bassmaster should become a politician or executive instead of the bad Youtuber he is in life.

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