Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Famed writer and social critic James Howard Kuntsler came on board again Chris Martenson's Peak Prosperity podcast to look at recent events. The two talked about the industrial military complex conspiring to have a threat and enemy to justify the massive amount of spending by this industry and profits that go to a few individuals. James Howard talked about the people in his community having no existence or purpose as they are all overweight and consist survival eating cheese sticks at the lcoal Indian-owned gas stations.
Chris and Howard talked about how America continues to antagonize and harass Russia with placement of troops and shits all over near their borders.James Howard declared he is not a Russian agent and doesn't have a dream money job gig defending Russia all of the time and just calls it as he sees it. Mr Kuntsler made several points about the crazy behavior of the thinking class acting as dumb as the pill and cigarette class and Mr K had many brilliantly expertise words for a dictionary he used throughout this interview. Howard and Kuntsler talked about how the average person is struggling and they wondered how many people wouldn't be able to afford a car tire if they broke a tire on the freeway and the system is crumbling for everyone while wealthy dream money domineers of the economy are talking about colonizing Mars and Jupiter. They mocked the likes of Elon Musk and the waste for these projects of inters teller civilization talk while civilization declines here on Earth. They talked about the need for trade to disappear and hope for Trump's trade wars to end this global corporate domination and insanity of the plutocrats. Martenson also talked about avoiding television has being important for self-awareness and know how of what is happening to ones environment and culture as these monopolist corporatists set the agenda with constant instant messaging of their rigged programming and use of TV to program peoples mind into certain ways of thinking have long been established. Another great talk between these two titans of thought.
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