Liberal retards and whack jobs harass pro-American and pro-English citizen Aaron Schlossberg for threatening to snitch on illegal workers in sanctuary corporate Fresh Kitchen Inc

 Aaron Luther
Animal stories
   English is the language of the country although many advocates of the new Spanish empire would like to change this. Aaron Shlcossberg couldn't believe it as he was in a mid-town Fresh Market deli shop and everyone was fuckign speaking Spanish. Aaron Shclossberg was no mechanic hick in Hazard County Georgia, but a big time lawyer making mucho dinero and for this the liberal twitter shits and anti-American media outlets like the New York Post decided to push this story and make it go viral. Schlossberg has a right to complain and indeed it is encouraged to call ICE  or other immigration officials and indeed I have called out immigration officials in the past for renting and openly arrogantly speaking of this in the past and eventually these landlords lost their properties. The sons of Spain openly tlak of this nation being theirs one day and why not openly go after these kings and invaders of America. The Fresh Kitchen and other fast chains basically prefer to hire and import those with out paper work and these companies need to be called out and its executives prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 
In fact. the rotten New York Post has stalked and harassed this guy in the days following this event for pretty much saying and feeling what many native-born Americans outside of the New York monarchy media bubble that is New York and for a lawyer form Manhattan to express these views is why he is being crucified. The sanctuary city folks in New York couldn't believe one of their own would dare to cross this line and harass some peon restaurant workers peoning their  way making sandwiches and corporate profits for others maybe if they did learn the language of this country they could attain higher economic positions. Aaron Shclossberg threatening to call ICE also hit the nerves of libtards in New York sanctuary city as I would bet these Spanish-speaking fucks in Fresh Kitchen were in fact illegal and this is why this incident struck such a streak to the coastal elite bastards in new York making such an issue. This case also shows how the leftist progressives ,that have over-taken Americas cities and encouraged migration of Spanish  speakers or anyone whose native tongue is not English, encourage and spread their anti-Americanism English language attacks with their viral racial identity weaponry and verbal counterattacks through social and regular mainstream  media. Aaron Schlosberg is entitles to his opinion and now has his livelihood threatened by dirty cockroach Puerto Ricans and other Spanish supremacists of  language and culture kings.of racial identity.
The problem of today's immigrants is they don;t want to assimilate into America but take over and change it to their native country and without learning and speaking language what these brown turds are basically are colonizers instead of fake immigrants. The double standard of the liberal and minorities should also not be lost as if there were millions and millions of Greek illegals coming ashore speaking their tongues in mexico,Peru. or the Bronx and Little Village one can clearly make a video daily of some Hispanic having panic and going loco.

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