Leonardo McGregor
Lindsay Gottlieb is a ugly white female women's basketball coach a the ultra-liberal University of California system and like many progressives they are always rebels with a cause in racial propaganda. It seems that a South West airlines worker made the jet setting over-paid elite part of the wasteful spending of the sport industrial complex in America very angry when they wanted proof that the baby she was carrying was hers. What happened I believe is that Lindsay was covered in the wall Street Journal with her mixed race baby a few weeks prior to her boarding this airplane and she likely received some hate mail.
Lindsay being an unmarried woman to a race mixed baby where the boyfriend is not overly eager to ty the knot must have been shell shocked and sensitive and when asked to prove that her bi racial baby was hers she became overly sensitive. The fact is many babies are stolen every year and more often than not those who steal babies are progressive white fucks like Lindsey who go overseas to poor countries and take advantage and take babies of women in poverty-stricken conditions unable to provide for their offspring.
Lindsay made such a stink and took to the mainstream media about her treatment and that she was discriminated because..well being a race mixer the baby looks not like her but for one coming form a black lady. South West airlines did the right thing in protecting families and babies and they probably ask many people with infants for proof of shipowner of the baby. Lindsay is a fuckface that likely couldn't get a white partner male or female and chances that this black guy will stay with her long are slim shadey. Interracial couples and women with odd looking babies are overly sensitive and if something loks out of the norm airlines have a right to ask for proof and ensure that children are not being bought on the black market and that a woman like Lindsay who prefers black meat has the right baby
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