Justin Trudeau and city- state Toronto cover up Islamic attack in Greek town

Alex Mousolopolous
 Faisal Hussein is given the narrative not of being part of a long list of Islamist terrorists but some dude that suffered form mental illness as the bastard gunned down families,women, and children in Toronto's Greek town and leaders of open borders avocation such as Canada's Justin Trudeau aere responsible for the increasing target of Muslim and Mid East extremists targeting tjhis global city-state up North Feisal Barack Hussain was a Muslim Al Qaeda inspired nut who went to Toronto's Greek town because he know the vast majority of people would of been Orthodox religiously and Muslims have hated Christians of all types. Liberals have dominated the local politics and allowed themselves to be corrupted by global forces wishing to move the mentally deranged people form their countries to the West.
They especially hated Greek and Russian orthodox as Muslims see them has being obstacles to their global expansion in the past and clearly the hatred of a Faisal Hussain was not form regular mental illness but the supremacy and victim hood long ailing the Muslim world seeing the real world progress with women's rights and science. This is the second time Justin Trudeau and Canadian (or Toronto) government state officials went on to lie of the motivation of the  brown-skinned Muslims shooting and driving a truck into a crowd of White people and this is a country and city independent state owned and bought for by the globalist agenda seeking to manipulate the public and lie about the potential danger of importing millions and millions more evil Muslims into the West.
Justin Trudeau is responsible for Toronto being the new capital of Islamic jihadist as Muslims know they have a green light for terrorism as the police and authorities will take a few days not to report anything of these attacks and then lie about it putting blame on mental illness of the individual instead of the nefarious plot by Muslims to settle their backwater nuts into the West and to kill Westerners. Canadian citizens are outraged about the obvious signs of a radical Islam motivation and Justin Trudeau and other political leaders behind this conspiracy will face retribution and possible with their lives one day for continuing this madness of importing mentally disturbed people form the third-world to come to Danforth and be allowed access to shot up the street. This terrorist act by a Muslim could of been alot worse than only two killed as about three dozen were shit and in practical ll could of been cold-blooded murdered by this shit man Muslim should of remained in Afghanistan bannastand.  This piece of shit Trudeau serves Indian Muslim money and not the people of Canada and the people of Canada need to rise up and over throw this traitorous warlord and potential powder keg of Canada's future as India and Egypt seeks to resettle more of their over-crowded low educated Muslim scum population into Canada.
The mainstream media continues to lie and only the alternative news media and on-line is trying to expose the truth and how this attack and gunning down of 18 innocent individuals is another of a long list of Islamic terrorism by these turds who for generations have used random violence to get their way and since the Algerian victory against the French empire see terrorism as the ultimate tool to fight Christian and all other non-believers who do not bow to the evils dictated by the rotten Koran.

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