Omarosa Obama turns on president Trump and considers runing for president in 2020

Ed West
Omarosa is a nasty Obama that seeks to heut president Trump and his image with fake news that Trump used the N word reserved for blacks to use on other blacks and demand and terror of non-blacks never to dare to use a word or face consequences and attack. The N word is a recent development and the banishment of other people unable to speak a term is part of the racial identity domestic violence terrorism of the black American.
Omarosa is a trans gendered Obama type woman that somehow is now writing a  fiction book based on time with the Donald and is part of a growing media complex system of print and coverage base don Americas popular forty fifth president and first one since the occupation of the White house by a foreign entity and leader. This transvestite is just trying to sell book and a title and life story would make for weak sales and propagandizing and attempting to bring down a president fighting the spread of foreign capitalism corruption into our country is another attempt by the third-world global wealth hoarders tin bringing about greater financial gains for their goals. Omarosa Obama wishes to return to these days of 2008 and there are a campaign committee organizing money to see to it this she male runs in 2020 and becomes the first transgendered president and second Obama fake American president into the white House to rule for the benefit of the global social domineering classes. The fact is Osorama Obama likely has used the nigger word a thousand times more that Mr Trump and she along with her racial co harts believe that base don skin color no one else is to use the word in speak and that in itself is one of the rudimentary classic sickening forms of racism one can imagine. Omarosa may pick Michelle Obama as a running mate and an all black and transgendered ticket would be available for the Democratic voters to select in 2020.

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