Zoltan IIstvan goes loco on the David Pakman program saying humans to live a thousand years with coming technology and grow a tail if they wish while having sex with robots

 Baba Pugwuthi
   Zoltan Istvan is on drugs and dumber than a brick coming on the David Pakman show saying science exists right now that will keep many people alive today for a thousand years and to live to the year 2525. Zoltan Istvan is some foreigner who spreads fake news and is crazier than a fly who avoids shit and Zoltan appeared on Mr Pakmans popular podcast and spoke much of the same stupidity he is known for and said people will b e able to select to be twenty feet tall have purpale natural hair and attach tails on their ars for a thiurd hand.
The trans-human bullshit this fantasy writer says should have him placed in Bellevue and other rof Americas special hospital institutions. Zoltan spoke of being skeptical of AI and this worries this nut keeping him at night and that if humans can change themselves to reptilians and other looking species for the betterment of humanity then they should go ahead and change. Both Ziltan and Pakman are insane in the membrane and deseve a harem of six robots looking like one another for them to get a charge daily of one another.
Zoltan in fact says we need to get ride of homo sapiens and says that we need to move beyond the intelligence of human beings and the acceptance of becoming robots and having sex with them is his ultimate goal. Zoltan Istvan is a neurotic and eccentric jackass who fears biological death and dreams of the day he can have a robot orgy and live forever being a AI programmed entity on a computer disk ahhh instead of living in the physical reality on the planet Earth. One can come to the conclusion listening g to this fruit that he is not in any reality and is crazier than a Coyote who hasn't eaten in two months.

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