Jolly Jim Rogers still thinks United Korea a possibility in his lifetime and a great investing option

Gony Miselli
Money Spoeak

Jim Rogers an old geek that money talks and speaks  money and has much of it printed it for him as the money lenders and the money scammers have their favorite old timer citizens to go to for investing advice. The investing advice that a "Jolly" Jim Rogers gives is complete ka ka. Jim Rogers thinks that North Korea will reunite with South Korea and together Kim Jung Un and the Southerners will create an exciting country and investment opportunity for the international investors and this will be an appealing market for twenty years as K pop music and bubble tea strip mall stores will pop up everywhere.
Jim Rogers is convinced economic opportunity would spread throughout the North as if this is something Kim Jung Un would actually ever desire for "his" land and one must wonder if Jim Rogers is high on ecstasy pills. Jim Rogers thinks ahhh North Korea is in the same position as China in 1981 and that the West should fund this economic expansion and make North Korea and Kim Jung Un even more prosperous and reward authoritarianism as the jerks like Jim Rogers pushed and demanded for China and for China's neighbors and its citizens we see the cost of a powerful surveillance state of still red China. Jim Rogers is a geek and a clown and this guy should visit the rural countryside of North Korea if he really thinks it is a wonderful place and has any potential within a hundred years of reforming and Rogers is stupider than a snowball in the Sahara to think a united Korea is a possibility with the insanity leadership that never changes in North Korea. Men like Rogers who worked hard to lift China and send jobs over there really should be arrested for treason and have all their  assets devalued and so forth and his wet dream now is for North Korea leadership to take over the rest of Korea a sin fact international wealthy elites and plutocrats lie this geriatric fuck tard respect and admires  leadership of Jung Un a d wish to help it spread throughout the world.

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