Tim Pool comes on Joe Rogan's pot podcast to speak be fearful of engineers incomes dropping to the scale of the common person

     Tony Miselli
  Money Speak
  growing influential Tim Pool came aboard Joe Rogan's award-losing podcast and produced three hours a freak talk an d one of being the things Mr Pool talked about was how Democrats Like Alexandria Cortez and Bernie Sanders talking about equity instead of equality. Poo showed his articulate and superior thinking and fact brain than Joe Rogan who seemed dumbed and confused on everything and Rogan's brain is becoming more and more popcorn due to pot and Rogan sounded like he had smoked forty joints before this interview. Rogan didn't know nada on anything Pool was speaking and couldn't get his mouth far off from his favorite black microphone that he often fantasizes about being Chris Rock's penis.
Pool and Rogan were fearful of the fact that petroleum engineers would get paid as the same as a store clerk at Exxon or so forth as the two chrome domes talked economies and came out of this idea that they said Bernie Sanders and progressives are pushing. many do think that these engineers and other highly educated people are way over paid and Rogan came up with the same excuse that people wouldn't get the training or learn the job without this necessary job income disparity and inequality and basically Pool and Rogan are just hacks  who use the economy to push the idea of increased wealth inequality. Joe Rogan is a pot head and supports Wealth inequality ignoring its major problem in the West and yes the outrageous bonus and incomes of business class,health professions, and engineer sis part of the problem and pay increases need to be installed for all jobs without much financial disparity regardless of the importance of occupation determined by a small group of capitalists.
Some would tell a Tim Pool that your work on talk is not more more valuable or important than a clerk in a mall. Some should tell a Joe Rogan lame stand up comedy and MMA fighting is not valuable and equivalent to millionaire pay to fight like a chicken bird in a cage. Rogan and Pool also talked about Jesus H Christ and how he would be more popular in this day of age of hate against American and western legacy and that if he had been a brown man form India he would be right up and more popular and beloved as a political thinker instead of a religion many leftists  blame for genocide in Latin America even the Latino population exploded under the religion of Christ.

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