Serpentza gives his view of tariffs and cals out John Oliver and other Western media as fake hacks

   Tony Miselli
Money Speak
   Famed YouTube rock star  Sprentza has lived in Chinastan the past decade and seen its rise and recently he seems to be turning on the country he once loved and found love. He claims the Chinese are regressing and becoming much more of a closed authoritarian society and supported the trade tariff wars of American president Trump. the power of chines money and influence Sprentza reckons is what is really behind the uninformed hacks supporting of China often repeating the lie that American consumers will being paying a tax with these tariffs as unnecessary Chinese manufactured junk becomes more expensive and Sprezentza says this is basically not true.
Sprenzta then blasted all of thes propaganda media people who make their money form the slice sof large piece sof pie that China and the global trade network has baked for themselves and he in particularly blasted the bullshit that comes for John Oliver of HBO and wondered how people can take Stephan Colbert ,Seth Myers, or John Oliver seriously on this topic since they are such highly paid millionaire media monarchs benefiting form the status quo of Chinese trade advantages and empowerment.  He says these three kin idiots of the media would find a perfect place in one way propaganda and dialogue in Chinese media if they ever learned Mandarin.
Sprentza went on to say Chinas growth has been based primarily on free shipping as the Chines government subsidizes it all and also reminded of the unfair currency manipulation and trade and intellectual theft rules the Chines empire freely spies and steals thanks to the diaspora of so many Chinaman and woman in American and European companies willing to look the other way to practice the Chinese value of saving face. The Chinese empire also taxes very heavily any and all imports of other countries materials and finish product also giving this evil empire more economic wealth and profits it then uses to buy territory and foreign governments/business overseas.

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